KaitlynC4's Comments (31)

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Below are comments about KaitlynC4's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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nice use of color. all roygbiv in a row. good
-- Josh
- on July 4, 2012
he looks up as if to say, "I shall eat clouds".
-- Josh
- on July 4, 2012
-- Josh
- on December 8, 2011
those are some funky lines. fun and funky.
-- Josh
- on December 8, 2011
Sweet! I want to make a Roy G. Biv costume, but I can't find anyone to wear it!
-- Jen
- on January 30, 2011
Fancy! Roy G. Biv is a colorful man And he proudly stands at the rainbow's end. Roy G. Biv is a colorful man And his name spells out the whole color spectrum
-- Josh
- on January 28, 2011
yay snowman. I like the scarf.
-- Josh
- on January 12, 2011
Nice one Kaitlyn but I think YOU are really the super turkey and this is just a decoy.
-- Josh
- on January 7, 2011
Ooooh! Ooph! Oooh! Can I have/buy this one? Matisse is my favorite artist and I bought some prints in Chicago! This would go great with them! Pleeeeaaase?! With a cherry on top? My birthday is Jan. 20, 2011! <3 you! Aunt Jen
-- Jen
- on January 7, 2011
SUPER-TURKEY!!! How fun would THAT be! Love the colors! Love, aunt Jen
-- Jen
- on January 7, 2011
this one kind of Creeps up on me. good and scary.
-- Josh
- on November 16, 2010
I like your penguin. do penguins like fish sticks?
-- Josh
- on May 17, 2010
- on April 10, 2010
Hiya kaitlyn!. I like this one. It looks squishy.
-- Josh
- on April 10, 2010
nice Bee's Kaiterbug! buzz buzzz BUZZZZZZZ.
-- Josh
- on February 12, 2010
her sneezes look yucky. glad she's covering them up. I wouldn't want any yucky sneeze goo to get on me. good art work Kaitlyn! keep it up.
- on February 12, 2010
Looks like Sammy in the Pumpkin Patch! Lots of Pumpkins to pick...good job, Kaitlyn! GMACallie
- on October 10, 2009
Great job, Kaiter's! looks good! mom
- on September 25, 2009
yum, yum - looks good enough to eat - good job Kaitlyn! GMACallie
- on September 25, 2009
cruncha Cruncha Muncha!!! that hamburger looks yummy.
- on September 25, 2009
Well, Kaitlyn - youve done it again! An AWSOME piece of art...you must have been born with the 'artists touch'. Did you know your Great Grandma Cook is an awsome artist too? Grandma Callie
- on May 12, 2009
K8rbug--I love the asymmetry!!! So colorful and unique. Is this a pin I could wear? <3 to you! Aunt Jen
- on March 26, 2009
is this a Turtle or a Tortoise? either way it looks well suited to water I bet it would float great.
- on March 3, 2009
KAITYLYN - this is AWSOME! I am sooo ready for spring, how about you? Grandma Callie
- on March 3, 2009
Nice work kaiterbug! I like it!
- on January 28, 2009
I LOVE purple and red together - wouldnt this be an awsome shirt to wear by the beach?! Warm and sunny sounds pretty good right now...GOOD JOB, Kaitlyn! love you lots - grandma Callie
- on January 28, 2009
WOW! that is SPOOKY!
- on November 3, 2008
Kaitlyn...I love this! That skull is very colorful and beautiful. Did you like learning about Day of the Dead? Yesterday was Halloween, so today is Day of the Dead. You did a great job of understanding that beautiful decorations honor those who have died.
- on November 3, 2008
- on October 22, 2008
Excellent use of color and symmetry. You are quite the ghoul-y artist!
- on October 11, 2008
Wow! What a scarey monster!
- on October 8, 2008