Jacob6162's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Jacob6162's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Jake, Your owl looks a little like my owl in the evergreen tree by my driveway. Nice job. Gramma
-- Gay
- on November 30, 2014
Love your penguin!!
-- Gay
- on January 3, 2012
Awesome! Jacob, we love the penguin and snow. Keep up the great work. We can't wait to see your next entry.
-- Doug, Amy, Andrew, & Sarah
- on January 3, 2012
the penguin picture is definitely my favorite...it would be a great cover for a holiday card. the snowflakes in the background almost look like flying angels.
-- michele
- on December 6, 2011
Like your pizza pie shaped name artwork! Love, Gramma L.
-- Gay
- on December 1, 2011
Jacob - we love your picture! Mom & Dad
-- Mom & Dad
- on November 29, 2011