Alexis3280's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Alexis3280's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Alexis all of your art work is beautiful, I just didn't know which one to choose. Keep up the good work princess.
- on November 17, 2008
Alexis you rock, you are so talented keep up the good work princess!
- on November 17, 2008
Alexis this picture is beautiful. I like the colors and the Fall scene.
- on November 17, 2008
Your go Girl! Cousin Janice
- on November 17, 2008
Alexis you did a great job on your scarecrow. Keep up the good work. Your cousin Latonia
- on November 17, 2008
Your artistic skills are remarkable. Thank you for sharing your art work with us. Keep up the good work. Love , Auntie Yvonne
- on November 17, 2008
Great job on you creations,You are a true artist Love,Krystle
- on October 9, 2008
Great job on your creations. You are a true artist , keep up the good work poo.
- on October 9, 2008
Alexis You have created a beautiful picture.I am so proud of you for being able to share your talent with the world.Keep up the good work.Love,Mommy
- on October 9, 2008
Alexis this is so nice. I am so proud of you, and keep up the good work. Love Lorraine
- on October 9, 2008
Alexis Your Artwork Rocks, I Love the beautiful hearts, sunshine and bright colors, your pictures help to make us feel happy. We Love You! Aunt TT and Levi
- on October 9, 2008