Jessica5681's Comments (23)

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Below are comments about Jessica5681's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Well done on your snack set. Hope you can continue working with clay your work is great.
- on January 14, 2009
Monster? What monster, oh that's the monster. Great work with the papaer mache.
- on January 14, 2009
Jessica, great solution to the card project.
- on December 6, 2008
My brother Ben said they look like buns. I like you little box. Tim
- on December 6, 2008
Jessica, I like the round things on the sides. They look like cinnnnammon buns, haha. Ben
- on December 6, 2008
it looks like you didn't get very much time. it looks very unfinished. i wish you would have more time so i could see your wonderful work.
- on November 28, 2008
Jessica, great rendition of the tap shoe, good work.
- on November 28, 2008
And Me too for a fan.
- on November 16, 2008
Jessica, you looked like you needed some more fans, I'll be one.
- on November 16, 2008
Hi Jessica, my nana said you needed another fan so I looked at your picture with the shades and I really like it. Tim (from California)
- on November 11, 2008
ok this looks alright, but you could probably use some more lessons. it reminds a little of you but not very much. i do like it but your lips are a little crooked and a little too big. your nose is a little small too. it does lok good overall. you need to slow down and take your time to make everything even. it looks like it needs more shading. i like it.
- on November 1, 2008
Great shades.
- on November 1, 2008
Jessica, your 'box' project came out great, keep up the goood work. You look like you are starting to enjoy the clay.
- on November 1, 2008
Jessica, you say it is lumpy bumpy, that it may be but those are techinqical things that improve as you create more pieces and get a better knowledge of handling the clay. What is your next project?
- on November 1, 2008
it is very unquie and cultural
- on October 24, 2008
it looks alright. a little bumby. and not very even.
- on October 24, 2008
Jessica, interesting way to shape the portrait, it works.
- on October 19, 2008
Well, I do like it! I think you handled the sphere challenge with a great design and colors that sparkle.
- on October 22, 2008
i do not like it
- on October 13, 2008
Jessica, thanks for checking in on your portfolio of art. You will find collecting friends on your fan club will get you kudos and it's fun to sign up on your friends art too. Look forward to seeing your next art work.
- on October 8, 2008
OMG!!! I love dance! Go bucks =) haha
- on October 7, 2008
Great start to your ceramics class, the sphere was quite a challenge.
- on October 13, 2008
Saw your work at the HS, great piece to start the year off.
- on October 7, 2008