ZacharyP4's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about ZacharyP4's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hey Zach, What a great picture. I love it. You are a very talented boy. Keep up the great work. It was great seeing you this weekend. I love you very much. I hope you have a great time in Disney World!!!! Wish I could go. Do you think I can fit in your suitcase? We can try. Well you go and have fun, think about me, because I will be thinking about you. Tell Mickey I said Hello. Love ya lots. Your Biggest Fan............................. Nannie
- on May 15, 2009
Hey Zack, I love you alligators, they look really cool. That one on the top of the page looks like it is real hungry. You really do great art work. I hope you are very proud of yourself. Nannie is vvery proud of you!!!!!!!!! Well I will keep looking out for new art work, I don't know if there will be any new ones since school is almost over. Just a few more weeks then you will have a long break. Bet you are real happy about that!!!! Well I will see ya soon. Nannie loves you lots!!!! Love you, Your Biggest Fan........................ Nannie
- on April 30, 2009
Zachary, Nannie thinks this is the best art work ever. I love all of the colors you used. It is so bright and colorful!! I really love it. I am so proud of you. You have earned all of your RIBBONS!!!!! Way to go!!!!! By the way Nannie is still waiting for you to draw me a picture that i can hang up and tell the Whole world that my wonderful Godchild, Zach drew it for me!!!! Keep up the Great work, I love you , Your Biggest Fan, Nannie
- on February 18, 2009
Zachary, I Just love all your art work. Keep it up. I can't wait to see the next one. I hear it is an ANGEL. I bet it is just BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!! Nannie loves you Very Very, Very much. Remember to be good SANTA'S watching!!!!!!!!!!! Love ya, Nannie
- on February 18, 2009
zachary, i know this rooster was done with me in mind. i think it is great love mimi
- on February 18, 2009
Hey Zachary, This is another great picture. And you use water paint!!!! That sounds like a lot of fun. Keep up the great work. Anytime you want to draw me a picture I would love to have it. Remember that your Nannie loves you and is your BIGGEST FAN!!!!!!...... Love ALWAYS, NANNIE
- on October 24, 2008
Excellent art, I especially enjoyed the attention to detail. Your use of the different hues was breathtaking. Great job! Love, BIIIIIIIG MIIIIIIke!!!!
- on October 8, 2008
Hey Zach, you did a real good job on your picture. I am happy to be part of your Fan club!!!!! I can't wait for the next drawing. Love your BIG cousin Codey
- on October 8, 2008
Zack, you are very artistic. I like the colors in your picture. you did a good job. I want to see more. love, your cousin Cullen
- on October 8, 2008
Zack, I think you draw really good!!!!! This is the best drawing i have ever saw. You draw better then ME!!! I am glad to be part of your fan club. Draw some MORE!! Love, Your Cousin Caiden
- on October 8, 2008
Zachary, I just love your artwork. I think you did a great job. I am so glad I will be able to veiw your artwork on this site. I will be looking forward to many more. Keep up the good work. Nannie loves and misses you!!! See ya soon.............Love, Nannie
- on October 8, 2008
- on October 8, 2008