Harper14527's Comments (17)

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Below are comments about Harper14527's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love this!! So colorful & creative!
- Jen on September 25, 2024 NEW
Oh Harper! That looks yummy!!!?? love you GG
- GG on May 1, 2024
Such beautiful spring flowers!!! Great job Harper!
- Beth on March 6, 2024
Looks like a beautiful spring flower garden !
- Grandma Becky on March 6, 2024
That is a super special picture. Beautiful colors and flowers GG
- GG on March 6, 2024
This is so beautiful Harper Girl!
- Carrie (Mother) on March 1, 2024
LOVE this!!!
- Jen on February 14, 2024
Harper, that is the best snowman I’ve ever seen. And I love the Blue sky in the green grass. I think you are an artist. Love you, GG
- GG on December 13, 2023
Great job Harper. We’ll build one like that when I get to your house !!!
- Becky on December 13, 2023
LOVE THE FAIRY HARPER. A fairy turkey!!!
- GG on November 29, 2023
Wow, Harper! This is so special. Very creative and imaginative. Love your use of color, too. Excellent work!
- Aryn on November 22, 2023
Great job !!
- Grandma Becky on November 22, 2023
More Picasso all the time. Keep it up, Harper. It’s in your genes!
- Grumpa on November 22, 2023
I LOVE this!
- Carrie (Mother) on November 17, 2023
Wonderful job - looks so real !!
- Becky on November 15, 2023
Great job Harp!!!
- Auntie Jen on November 15, 2023
I love this, Harper! Great job sweetie! Xo, Mama
- Carrie (Mother) on November 10, 2023