Elodie334's Comments (30)

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Below are comments about Elodie334's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This picture is terrific! I see a castle, a princess and her queen mommy, a butterfly, and two pretty mean-looking characters with spiky hair and pointy tridents guarding the entrance to the passage way below. This picture looks like the beginning of a great story! I hope that you write it!
- Grandmommy Nancy on March 12, 2025 NEW
Did you and the family go to a 3-D movie? That's what this picture immediately made me think of. You're all holding cups and glasses, I think. I think I see a black bird mobile and a curtain with fringe, as well as colorful little earphones (or are they tiny elephants in the air?). I can't wait to hear your explanation about this picture, which seems to have real meaning.
- Grandmommy on December 27, 2024
So many different pieces in this collage! It's fascinating, from a bat whose wing unfolds to be a tiny witch to powerful- looking sculptures whose arms are directionally opposites! I hope you had fund finding and gluing these pieces into a collage. It was fun looking at it.
- Grandmommy on December 27, 2024
Another collage! Wow! You are the collage queen! What interesting shapes, especially the three-dimensional ones. You sure like building structures, Sweet Pea. Maybe far in the distant future, you will become an architect or engineer.
- Grandmommy on December 19, 2024
Pow! Such a strong painting! I notice the tiny details, like the little pinkish pieces under the large purlish-blackish, verticle swath above. It's all so interesting! I'm so happy your painting again. I love your paintings.
- Grandmommy on December 19, 2024
Well, THAT'S a wonderful Christmas present! You are the collage queen! One of the pieces looks like you slipped in a piece of pizza among all the Christmas cookies. Clever girl. As always, your artwork is so well balanced.
- Grandmommy on December 4, 2024
Elodie, this painting immediately made me giggle! It struck me as being an adorable, happy animal on a sunny day. Great yellow and blue combination for the body, tail and mane. You pick up the same colors of the sun and sky. I like it! And the touches of red are so perfect as elements of balance and surprise. Also, the way the two back legs are together is really nice perspective. Wonderful painting, Elodie!
- Grandmommy on December 4, 2024
Brava! Bravo! I love the colors and how you created the feeling of a theater, including audience.
- Nancy on November 29, 2024
Thank you for showing me and teaching me the difference between water color and tempura color. I never knew. I also really like the colors you chose.
- Grandmommy on November 29, 2024
You sure like doing collages! This is the third in a short period of time. I think this one is my favorite!
- Grandmommy on November 29, 2024
I find this mixed media piece interesting. I especially like the swatch of yellow that you painted and where you put it. Situated directly under the yellow tiger, with its intense eyes, the yellow piece continues the color theme of the animal. How clever. And the butterfly against the sky is, of course, where a butterfly usually is. We mostly see them flying, with the sky as the background. Super contrast of the delicate butterfly and the powerful tiger. Set against the living animal world are the shapes of brown. The strips of the bottom one lightens it. The triangle glued to the trapezoid on top immediately made me think it was the tiger's crown, but maybe it is pointing to something, or maybe it's just there for the balance of the overall composition. Would you write me a short note to explain the ideas you had in mind as you were creating this whole interesting picture?
- Grandmommy on November 29, 2024
Oh, my dear, wonderful artist granddaughter--I can't get over the beauty of the guitar, the colors and shapes you chose to decorate it, the precision and straightness of the instrument, and that you so very carefully and in absolutely straight lines gave the guitar a background of music notes! Wow! This is an artistic masterpiece that sings.
- Nancy(fan) on April 17, 2024
This creature is so jolly!!!! I LOVE it! It makes me want to go up to it and give it a big kiss!!! Beautiful, wonderful colors and color combinations! Wonderful shapes! You were so careful, too, about keeping the colors just where you wanted them.
- Nancy(fan) on April 17, 2024
This is new for me. I haven't seen this piece before. It looks like a treasure chest! It's super! I love that you made the pieces coming up out of it just with black lines. The contrast to the rest is very effective in making that distinction.
- Nancy(fan) on April 17, 2024
You are my rainbow girl! I love how colorful this piece of art is and that you made it 3-dimensional. The blue and red pieces make me think of creatures crawling in the garden right now--smaller and, then, longer. I'm wondering how you felt about making this piece. Does it have special meanings for you? I'd love to get a letter from you about it.
- Nancy(fan) on April 17, 2024
Wow! Are those flying fish jumping out of the ocean next to your polar bear? So many snow flakes! Great details cut with your scissors.
- Grandmommy Nancy on January 3, 2024
Oh, Sweet Pea, this is wonderful! I love the fact that the buildings on the sides are smaller than the ones in the middle, and that the ones in the middle are so colorful, with very eye-catching roofs, windows, and windows. They really pop out. You chose big windows for the blue building and small windows for the purple, and I think the contrast is really great! Buildings can be boring to look at. Yours are not!
- Grandmommy on December 20, 2023
I love this picture! The contrasting colors are so bold and perfect--strong blue of the sky, black and white of the birches, pink of the bird, and yellow of the falling leaves. At least, that is how this picture strikes me. And I really like the composition. It is a very, very artistically interesting picture.
- Grandmommy on December 20, 2023
I love this picture! The contrasting colors are so bold and perfect--strong blue of the sky, black and white of the birches, pink of the bird, and yellow of the falling leaves. At least, that is how this picture strikes me. And I really like the composition. It is a very, very artistically interesting picture.
- Grandmommy on December 20, 2023
Yes! That's Merlin! And is that you sitting on the chair? But your girl has brown hair, and you have blond hair. Hmmm...maybe a friend on a chair? It's so interesting that you thought of making this Merlin picture to put on the pretty, colorful patchwork.
- Grandmommy on December 20, 2023
What a great bird on the branch! I love the orange feet as well as the sweet wings. The veins of the leaves on the branch are so realistic. The background color is lovely. And the trees on the bottom add a very real touch to the whole picture. I'm wondering if you took the idea from your head or from a picture.
- Grandmommy on December 20, 2023
This is an aMAZEing job! Babushka
- Galina on December 13, 2023
Elodie, it’s a WOW-owl. I like it very much. Babushka
- Galina on December 13, 2023
Elodie, I absolutely love this picture. You are always good in experimenting with colors. I like that you did not mix a lot of colors together; each one has its own space. Beautiful work!
- Galina on November 15, 2023
I LOVE the colored! The splatters look like they’re dancing!
- Grandmommy on November 15, 2023
Elodie, dedushka and I are very happy that we can view your art work. Every project from these three is different but good in its own way. Looking forward to seeing more of your creations. Babushka
- Galina on November 15, 2023
Elodie, dedushka and I are very happy that we can view your art work. Every project from these three is different but good in its own way. Looking forward to seeing more of your creations. Babushka
- Galina on November 15, 2023
This piece of art is so interesting! I recognize some of the leaves, including a gingko. I like that you chose red--a color of fall leaves. And I can see so well the insides of the leaves, the veins that bring food and water to all parts of the leaf. We don't usually think of that, think of them needing to eat and drink. Thank you, Elodie, for reminding me of that. I also like the placement of the leaves, which makes me think of them falling. I look forward to more of your art!
- Nancy on November 8, 2023
How much time and patience it must have taken to glue all those eyelashes around the eye! The parts of the eye are so clear--the white sclera, blue iris, and black pupil (which is, after all, an opening that gets bigger and smaller with the amount of light that the eye is looking at). Whose blue eye is this?
- Nancy on November 8, 2023
What an amazing beetle! Elodie, you clearly and so carefully created the three parts of the body--head, thorax, and abdomen. And you made the eyes so distinct. That makes me wonder what it's looking at. I'd love to ask you if the red dots are other beetles. I know that beetles crawl on the ground, and I love the way you created that feeling with the light brown rings. Great colors!
- Nancy on November 8, 2023