Kendra504's Comments (29)

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Below are comments about Kendra504's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great mask! It should be on the school's wall. Love, Pop
-- Larry
- on June 3, 2011
Wow! Best colors yet! Never saw one of these in Mexico. Love ya Pop and Nonni
-- Larry
- on March 23, 2011
WOW, Love the Artwork and the Colors!! It looks like an Ancient Aztec Drawing!!
-- patricia
- on March 23, 2011
WOW That's a Great Job Kendra, you have a wonderful winter snow scene at night with the moon shining!! Luv It!! NON
-- Pataricia
- on February 7, 2011
Ken, I love the colors!
-- Pop
- on January 17, 2011
WOW -Kiddy Thats GREAT -You are very imagineative -All your Pics have been VERY GOOD and I can tell you take GREAT pride in doing a nice job with you imagination and coloring.You have made your DAD PROUD in having everyone view your pics and like everybodys comments.KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK -SWEETY -LOVE YOUR DAD !!!!!!!!!
-- Jeff
- on January 12, 2011
Wow kendra what a nose - I guess the nose/knows-LOL !!!! Great job Love-Daddy
-- Jeff
- on October 30, 2010
WOW !!!!!!!! Pretty amazing to have an Artist in the family.Kendra has done a simply amazing art work and her Dad is so proud of her.Kendra keep up the GOOD work you are making your Dad very proud.I cant wait to see the work that will be coming in the future. LOVE YOU, YOUR DADDY
-- Jeff
- on October 30, 2010
Kendra, lovely! What's his name? Love Pop
-- Larry
- on July 24, 2010
Nice octopus!! You are getting better and better! Love Nonni and Pop
- on November 15, 2009
We like it!! Love, Pop and Nonni
- on November 15, 2009
Nice colors Kendra, keep up the good work! Love, Nonni and Pop
- on June 7, 2009
aww ken thats sooo cute almost like the ones we see the zoo just different colors lol love jessie
- on June 5, 2009
Kendra, your Zebra is prettier than the ones in the zoo! Keep up the good work! Love Nonni & Pop
- on April 24, 2009
Kendra, the colors are great!! Next time you see Nonni you will have to explain to her what does this art mean. Love Pop
- on March 23, 2009
Kendra, we have one of these that your mother made in second grade. It is in our bedroom and I use it. Good job! Love Nonni and Pop
- on March 20, 2009
Wonderful piece of art!
- on March 20, 2009
awww ken i love seeing your artwork good job ilvoe you!!!
- on March 13, 2009
Kendra we love the "Weave" keep up the good work! Love, Nonni and Pop
- on March 8, 2009
they look awesome!
- on March 7, 2009
I love the colors on this Kendra! Beautiful picture! Love, mommy
- on November 3, 2008
Wow...this one is amazing!
- on November 3, 2008
Kendra, looks like your mice are very well fed....plump! love, Nonnie and Pop
- on October 25, 2008
wow what a great picture! the mice look so real! love it kendra! love mommy
- on October 19, 2008
I love your mouse painting...wonderful job!
- on October 18, 2008
Kendra, You did a great job on this picture. It looks just like Chuck E. Cheese! Ms. Birch
- on October 18, 2008
Hey Kendra, I love your artwork! It's so beautiful. Can't wait to see more of your pictures. Love, Aunt Stacey
- on October 13, 2008
Hi Kendra, loved your art work. Will you be publishing more soon? Can't wait to see more. Love Nonni and Pop!
- on October 11, 2008
what a great picture kendra!! mommy loves you!
- on October 6, 2008