Jacob6088's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Jacob6088's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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- on November 19, 2008
Good Job JJ!!!! Love your work! Keep up the good work.
- on November 19, 2008
Hi Jay, Jay, Boy, your painting is really great. I enjoy it very much. I see a great talent in you, keep up the good work. I love your fall colors. Love, hugs and kisses, grand ma Haydee.
- on November 4, 2008
Awesome painting !! Keep up the good work...
- on October 24, 2008
Awesome work!!!! Luv ya JJ! muah*!
- on October 15, 2008
Hello Jacob, Great Job!!! Hope to see more soon... your Friend Tita
- on October 15, 2008
i think it is so good for my nephew he is a very good boy i like his drawing it show creativity and talent.
- on October 15, 2008
Great job JJ! Awesome Stuff you go lil guy, love you Leslie R-Sisco
- on October 15, 2008
Nice Job JJ! One day, you will be able to draw better than Papi and probably design your own video games.
- on October 6, 2008
Jacob...good job sweetie...this is really nice.. Helen
- on October 6, 2008
Awesome work JJ !!! You can be our famous artist in the family, Good Job. Love GramaRosa
- on October 5, 2008
Hey JJ, Great Job! keep up the good work. Love, Mom
- on October 5, 2008