John41519's Comments (24)

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Below are comments about John41519's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love it hijo!!! Always so CREATIVE :)
- Mama on August 31, 2024
I absolutely love ?? this! It looks like a beautiful bridge over sparkling water. In a misty forest. So cool.
- Tia Brenda(fan) on May 8, 2024
A great work of art, landart and ephemeral art together developing the theme of conservation, the artist demonstrates his versatility!
- Diego on May 1, 2024
Great picture.
- Tone on April 18, 2024
I love this picture. In fact Im goong to get a tshirt.
- Tone on April 18, 2024
Every time I see this picture I think about the eclipse. Thank you for drawing such a great image of it. You are such a great artist.
- Tone on April 18, 2024
Lucas would definitely like this one!
- Tia Brenda(fan) on April 18, 2024
Splendid!!! The sun and the moon in their dance.
- Diego on April 18, 2024
This is my amazing!!! Very Bosquiat :)
- Dr. Brenda(fan) on April 16, 2024
This reminds me of the foxes in London :) So amazing!!! You are so gifted.
- Dr. Brenda(fan) on April 16, 2024
This is an absolutely beautiful picture. I love the bold colors.
- Tone on April 14, 2024
Trees! I love trees! And the sky is so expressive!
- Tia Brenda(fan) on March 20, 2024
Love the designs inside and outside of the heart! And the purple handprint.
- Tia Brenda(fan) on March 20, 2024
This is amazing! You are so talented!!
- Tia Brenda(fan) on March 20, 2024
This is so cool. I would love to hear what you have to say about it!
- Tia Brenda(fan) on March 20, 2024
John Martin, This leaf is another beautiful piece of art. I love it. You are such a good artist! Love Tone
- Tone on March 13, 2024
This reminds me of you!! All the energy coming out of you and bright exciting colors! A big smile too!
- Tia Brenda(fan) on February 21, 2024
I love the colors in this painting. It looks like an island to me.
- Tia Brenda(fan) on February 21, 2024
Wow, another masterpiece! I am so proud of your work! Love you! Ton/ grandma.
- Tone on February 21, 2024
This is a great piece of art. Keep up the good work John. You have lots of potential as an artist!!!!
- Tone on February 21, 2024
John Martin, your artwork shows your personality. It is alive with color and shapes and motion. From one artist to another "Keep creating!" You have way with art that is very exciting!
- Tia Brenda on February 21, 2024
I love this one!!! Beautiful ??
- Ana (Mother) on December 7, 2023
Wow!! This is so cool!! Colorful and beautiful ????
- Ana (Mother) on November 2, 2023
I love the colors and the design you put behind the dinosaur. Good job!!!
- Ana (Mother) on November 2, 2023