Lolo28's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about Lolo28's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love your artwork!
- Grandma Sycks on January 10, 2024
LOVE your turkey!
- Grandma Sykes on December 7, 2023
Love your colors and your creativity!
- Grandma Sycks on November 22, 2023
Love those bright colors! And those eyes!
- Grandma Sycks on November 22, 2023
Way to go, keep up the good work
- Grandma Sycks on November 8, 2023
Love your work
- Grandma Sycks on November 8, 2023
Pretty cool!
- Carol on November 8, 2023
Great work
- Alicia (Mother) on October 31, 2023
Whay wonderful work
- Alicia (Mother) on October 31, 2023