Evie2815's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Evie2815's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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That's a super cute Easter Island statue!
- Daddy on September 11, 2024 NEW
So pretty! I bet mommy can help you make this dress. =)
- Daddy on April 10, 2024
What a great self portrait! I recognize the hair clips and necklaces! Is that her dream dress that you painted as well?
- Kat (Mother) on March 27, 2024
The colors on this lion are amazing! And he has such a nice smile! Good job, Evie!
- Mom on March 6, 2024
Aw, I love this snowman. Or is it a snowoman? The mittens are great!
- George on December 19, 2023
Is that a house for sale?
- George on November 22, 2023
Evie, this is so pretty just like the autumn leafs colors in my memories! Awesome work, loved it!
- Elaine on November 14, 2023
Wow what a pretty leaf Evie! Maybe we can do this with a feather sometime!
- George (Father) on November 9, 2023