Kelsey1820's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Kelsey1820's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi, I did one of these too and had fun. I like yours. Ben
- on April 21, 2009
Our class is looking at all the art and I liked this watercolor tree you did. Sarah
- on April 21, 2009
This looks so much like you. You did an amazing job!
- on November 14, 2008
Kelsey, I had a great time in your class doing this project, hope you did too.
- on April 11, 2009
Great Shades.
- on November 2, 2008
Kelsey, thanks for checking in on your art site. Its fun to collect fans and raves. While you are on, check out other artworks and sign on fan clubs.
- on October 25, 2008