Sydnee80's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Sydnee80's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Syd!!! This is one of my very favorite!! Good job!! I love looking at it on the refridgerator every day! Love, Mommy
-- Trish
- on February 4, 2010
Great Job Syd!! <3 Mommy
- on February 4, 2010
I think this is mama's favorite so far! Reminds me of all the flowers you pick for me!! :)
- on April 21, 2009
Sydnee!!! That is a great picture!! I can't wait to sit under the starry nights with you this summer and count the stars!!! You are the brightest one!! I love you!! Mommy!!
- on April 18, 2009
Sydnee, this is so awesome!! Love, Mommy
- on March 11, 2009
That is AWESOME Syderdoodles!! I LOVE IT!!!
- on September 25, 2008
Good fishy baby girl!! Love mama
- on September 24, 2008