Rebecca1900's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Rebecca1900's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Rebecca, not familiar with the song but your artwork is quite vivid and really is graphic.
- on May 13, 2009
Rebecca, our class was looking on artsonia and I found your tree. I really like it, how did you do it? The tree is so curly and it looks like rainbows everywhere. Sarah in CA
- on February 27, 2009
Hi Becca! Nice work, I love the tree! Donna K
- on January 28, 2009
Rebecca, I had a great time in your class doing this project, hope you did too.
- on February 24, 2009
Saw your work at the HS, great piece to start the year off.
- on January 26, 2009