Landon26543's Comments (28)

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Below are comments about Landon26543's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Landon - this is amazing! You are so thoughtful with your artwork. When you explain your drawings, I love your passion!!
- Grammy on May 22, 2024
Landon, once again your imagination and creativity soars! Great job!
- Robin Gigi on May 15, 2024
This is so cool. Great job
- Dad on May 15, 2024
This is so cool Landon, I love it!! All the detail looks so neat! Great job buddy! Love Mom <3
- Courtney (Mother) on May 8, 2024
Landon you are becoming an incredible Artist! I love your endless creativity and how you express yourself! Love Gigi
- Robin on April 17, 2024
This is so cool! Good job bud
- Stephy on April 1, 2024
Hi Landon, I love the detail in this drawing! You are so creative and talented. Keep up the great work.
- Grammy on April 1, 2024
Landon, this is the cutest little guy! I can tell how much time you spent with your outling and coloring. Great job buddy!! I love seeing all your art work! I love you ~ mom
- Courtney (Mother) on March 28, 2024
Landon, once again your imagination soars! Such a cute polar bear, and his habitat, thatl you created! Can't wait to see, what you'll make, next. Love Gigi
- Robin Gigi on February 7, 2024
You are so clever! Your polar bear is just waiting outside his house to play with you!! Great job!! Love,
- Grammy on February 7, 2024
Landon, your polar bear is the cutest! I love how you made him his own little snowy habitat. You are so creative. I love you buddy!
- Courtney (Mother) on January 31, 2024
Landon your creativity never ceases to amaze me! I hope your creative spirit continues to grow, as you do! Love Gigi
- Robin on January 17, 2024
Awesome Job buddy!! I love how you made the snowman gold so it stands out. I love all your artwork. Keep up the good work!
- Stephy on January 10, 2024
Amazing job. So proud of you.
- Brian on January 8, 2024
Hi Landon, I love your snowman! Makes me wish for snow so you and I can build one just like it!!
- Grammy on January 8, 2024
Landon, I love this so much!! Its so cool how you made the background dark and the snowman gold so it pops! It really looks like the snowman is falling over too! Great job buddy!! I love you <3 ~ mom
- Courtney (Mother) on January 4, 2024
Great job buddy! This is so creative. That first layer looks a little sus
- Stephy on December 20, 2023
Such a creative and colorful cake. You're imagination and love of Art, makes me so happy! L
- Gigi on December 18, 2023
This piece of cake is awesome! It looks so delicious I want to eat it right now. I love your imagination and creativity. So awesome
- Grammy on December 11, 2023
Landon, this is so cool! I love how you made each layer a different design! I would definitely want to try this slice of cake! Great job buddy, so creative! Love you, mom <3
- Courtney (Mother) on December 11, 2023
Landon, you have a natural talent for Art and drawing! Keep being you, and your love of the arts! Love You, Gigi!
- Robin Gigi on November 22, 2023
Hi Landon, I love your scarecrow. You did such a great job with it. Love you Grammy
- Karen on November 20, 2023
This is so cool Landon!! I love all the details you added. Great job buddy! I love you ~ mom :)
- Courtney (Mother) on November 20, 2023
Awesome Job Landon!! I love how you added your own personal touch to this scarecrow! Keep up the good work
- Stephanie(fan) on November 20, 2023
Love it! Great job
- Karen(fan) on October 19, 2023
Landon is our treasured boy!
- Robin(fan) on October 18, 2023
This is awesome!!! Great job buddy- love Stephy
- Stephanie(fan) on October 18, 2023
Great job landon! :)
- Courtney (Mother) on October 18, 2023