Raphael1057's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about Raphael1057's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love the flags and all of this color!!
- Raphael (Father) on May 10, 2024
Look at this cute & cuddly little guy!!
- Sandy (Mother) on February 14, 2024
This dude is very cute - looks like a pretty happy polar bear!
- Raphael (Father) on February 13, 2024
Is this a snowman doing a flip like you on the trampoline? I love it!
- Raphael (Father) on February 13, 2024
Buddy - I love these colors man! This cake looks delicious! Yum
- Raphael (Father) on February 13, 2024
I love this yummy cake! Thank you for teaching me how to draw one too!
- Sandy (Mother) on December 27, 2023
Ha! What a wonderfully silly snowman! Great colors!
- Sandy (Mother) on December 26, 2023
Dude - this is great! Such wonderful colors!
- Dad on November 9, 2023
This is wonderful!
- Sandy (Mother) on October 21, 2023