William48784's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about William48784's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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He’s definitely the next Picasso
- Papa T on November 7, 2024
Liam, Your little Gnome is so cute! Love the bright colors you used in his hat!
- Nana on January 10, 2024
Liam, This is a super cool bear! Those eyes and eyelashes are awesome. Love the beautiful colors you used for the bear and the background. Great job!
- Nana on December 14, 2023
Liam, What a cool pumpkin!! I really like the purple accents on the pumpkin and your numbers at the top!
- Nana on November 29, 2023
This is so cool, Liam! I love all the colors you used and the detail on your pumpkin. Great work!
- Caty (Mother) on November 9, 2023
Great color choices and design
- Pope on November 8, 2023
Liam, This painting makes me feel happy and calm. When I look at it I see the land, mountains, water and sky. It reminds me of a beautiful sunset. I love the colors you chose to use and different mix of lines and dots. I can’t wait to ask you more about it.
- Nana on November 8, 2023
Liam, Wow! I love the patterns, shapes and colors you used in your picture! You put a lot of thought into this and I can’t wait to see more of your artwork.
- Nana on November 8, 2023