I love your folk tale sun, Ev! You are a spectacular artist! Keep up the great work!! : } Love, Mom -- Mom
- on April 26, 2011
Blue dog shouldn't be blue! He is adorable! I want him as a pet. : } Love, Mom -- Mom
- on April 26, 2011
I love this Evan! Great job! : } Love, Mom -- Kristi
- on April 26, 2011
Very nice fish Ev! You are a super artist! -- dad
- on April 26, 2011
Hey Evan, what a wonderful fish, you do such great work, keep it up! -- Bill
- on April 26, 2011
Hey Evan! what a fantastic job you did! you are so very talented! and I enjoy seeing your marvelous work! keep it up! -- Bill
- on April 26, 2011
Awesome painting of the sun Ev! -- Daddy
- on April 26, 2011
what a wonderful Evan! it is such a happy and jolly sun! you do great work... -- Bill
- on April 26, 2011
That's the best snow globe I have ever seen!! Great job Evan!!!!!! Love Aunt Karen -- Karen
- on April 26, 2011
Hey Evan! that is a very nice snowglobe! you did an excellent job on it...I do love the snowmen! they look happy :) -- Bill
- on April 26, 2011
It looks like fat cat's having a mouse. haha This is awesome. I love it! Love you! -- Mom
- on April 26, 2011
How cute is this. I love this Evan. -- Mom
- on November 28, 2010
I love your starry night. You are becoming a really good artist. I am so very proud of you! -- Mom
- on November 28, 2010
Great job Evan! You are a super artist! -- Daddy
- on November 28, 2010
What a wonderful job Evan! you did such a marvelous job on thes night scene! you should be very proud! -- Bill
- on November 28, 2010
excellent job Evan! it looks like you had a wonderful time doing this you are very creative and do such good work. -- bill
- on November 28, 2010
Evan! Love it! Is that a rainbow of Skittles going into his mouth? Love Aunt Karen -- Karen
- on November 28, 2010
Great Clifford!! It looks just like him! : } -- Mom
- on August 4, 2010
I love your cat!! Great job, Evan!! : } -- Mom
- on August 4, 2010
To get that fat I think he's eating more than a mouse. I love your drawing Evan. What an awesome job! Love Aunt Karen -- Karen
- on August 4, 2010
Ha! what a great picture...it sort of looks like Levi...I think he is eyeballing the little mouse...what a wonderful job Evan...you always do such good work! -- Bill
- on August 4, 2010
Hey Ev, this is a great picture that you did! you are so very talented, keep up the wonderful work! Bill :) -- Bill
- on August 4, 2010
This turned out so good! You did a great job Evan! I love it! -- Kristi
- on May 18, 2010
Awesome job Evan! Love, Mom -- Kristi
- on May 18, 2010
Hey Ev! this is a wonderful picture, you have capitured "Spring" perfectly! you did a marvelous job! ~ Bill -- Bill
- on May 18, 2010
I love this! It turned out great Evan! Good job! Love, Mom -- Mom
- on April 15, 2010
Hey Ev! this is a very nice painting of flowers! you do such a marvelous job! ~ Bill -- Bill
- on April 15, 2010
Great job evan! The flowers look real! -- Dad
- on April 15, 2010
Wow Evan! That is absolutely beautiful!! I can see it framed and on a wall. You did a great job! Love Aunt Karen -- Karen
- on March 24, 2010
I love this! Your giraffe is so cute & the moutains are really good! Love, Dad -- Andy
- on March 17, 2010
Awesome job Evan! You are a great artist. I am so proud of you! -- Kristi
- on March 17, 2010
Oh Evan! I love this! You did a great job! Love, Mom -- Kristi
- on March 17, 2010
hey Ev, what a great job with this...and I think you are right giraffes don't really dance that well :) ~ Bill -- Bill
- on March 17, 2010
I love this star Evan! Great job! Love, Mom
- on February 1, 2010
Great star Even! You are so talented and so cute!! Love Aunt Karen
- on February 1, 2010
what a wonderful star Evan! you do such great work! I am so very proud of you. ~ Bill
- on February 1, 2010
Great penguin!
- on January 14, 2010
Oh Evan~ I love this! This is the cutest peguin I have ever seen! Love, Mom
- on January 14, 2010
Hey Ev! What a wonderful Penguin! You do very nice work! I am very proud of you! It brought a smile to my face. ~ Bill
- on January 14, 2010
I was there the day you put the bubbles on! I love it Ev~ you did a great job! : } Love, Mom
- on December 7, 2009
what a wonderful job Evan! a pig in the bath...it is very good, you can really paint well.
- on December 7, 2009
That'll do pig, that'll do!! Boy did you do it Evan! Best pig ever!! Love Aunt Karen
- on December 7, 2009
This is so cool Ev! I love it. Love, Mom!
- on November 25, 2009
Love this one Evan!
- on November 25, 2009
Hey Evan! what a wonderful painting I just love the lines that go everywhere. you do such geat work :) ~ Bill
- on November 25, 2009
I love this~ it's very colorful!
- on November 5, 2009
You do such great work!
- on November 5, 2009
Great fish! I love the ocean too!
- on November 5, 2009
Awesome job!
- on November 5, 2009
great job Evan!
- on November 5, 2009
This is so cute!
- on November 5, 2009
I love the fish & the water! You did a great job with this Evan! I am so proud of you! Love, Mom
- on November 5, 2009
This is awesome Evan! I love it! Love, Mom
- on November 5, 2009
Hey Evan! that is a great insect! you do such wonderful work :)
- on November 5, 2009
EVAN!! That's the best insect I have ever seen! So many creepy, crawly legs, ewwe:) Love Aunt Karen
- on November 5, 2009
Ha~ this is the cutest thing I've ever seen! Good job Evan! I love you. Love, Mom
- on October 27, 2009
Such an amazing bug!
- on October 27, 2009
This is awesome Evan! You do great work! Love you, Mom
- on October 27, 2009
This is fabulous Ev! I love it. Love, Mom
- on April 16, 2009
Evan what a wonderful job you did on this project. you are such a great artist. I am so very proud of you ~ Bill
- on April 16, 2009
That is by far the best caterpillar I have seen. Great Job Evan!! Love Aunt Karen
- on April 16, 2009
Seriously, coolest monkey I have ever seen. Love all the textures! Love Aunt Karen
- on March 30, 2009
I love your monkey! It is so cute! Love, Mom
- on March 8, 2009
Hey Evan ~ this is a wonderful Monkey! you do such a great job on this I am so very proud of you :) ~ Bill
- on March 8, 2009
I love this Evan~ the colors are so cool! Good job. Love, Mom
- on March 2, 2009
Hey Evan ~ what a great picture ~ you do such wonderful work ~ I am so very proud of you ~ :) Bill
- on March 2, 2009
Evan, By far, that is the coolest snowman I have ever seen. Great Job! Love Aunt Karen
- on January 14, 2009
Evan ~ this is a wonderful little snowman ~ you did a terrific job with it ~ Bill
- on January 14, 2009
Awesome Job Ev. Your snowman is so very cute. I love it... Keep up the good work. Love, auntie Rars.
- on January 14, 2009
Oh Evan this is so adorable! You did a great job! I am so proud of you! Love, Mom
- on January 14, 2009
Evan what a wonderful snowman~you do such a wonderful job~ :) it has such a nice smile :) ~ Bill
- on December 11, 2008
Yummy! That looks good enough to eat! Love, Mom
- on December 11, 2008
I love the colors you used in this one~ very cool! Love, Mom
- on December 10, 2008
I love your snowmen Ev, they are so cute! Love, Mom
- on December 10, 2008
Evan, a very nice picture of the sun ~ I feel warm already :)
- on December 10, 2008
Evan, very nice work, I am ready for some ice cream :)
- on December 10, 2008
Evan I really enjoy your falling leaves you do excellent work :)
- on December 10, 2008
Your Ice cream looks so yummy.... I love it.... Love Auntie Ras.
- on December 10, 2008
I love the fall leaves Evan.... Awesome Job. Love Auntie Rars.
- on December 10, 2008
Evan! what great work on making fall leaves. You are so talented. Love Aunt Karen
- on December 10, 2008
WOW!!! You are quite talented. Let's see, smart and artistic. You must take after your Aunt Karen:) Great Job! Evan Love Aunt Karen
- on October 12, 2008
This is so bright and colorful! Great job Evan! Love, Aunt Heidi
- on October 9, 2008
Great Job on your first Art Work. It's Awesome. Love, Auntie Rars.
- on October 9, 2008
Oh Evan this is wonderful! I love it. The colors are awesome! I am so proud of you, you did a great job. I love you! Love, Mom
- on October 8, 2008
What an excellent job Evan :) you color so very wonderfully :)