Anna2400's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Anna2400's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I am so proud of you, Anna Banana!! You did a great job on your glasses. Love, Mom
-- Carrie
- on February 16, 2012
The tree reminds me of a beautiful, peaceful sunset at the beach on the 4th of July. I love you and Happy Birthday! Love, Mommy
- on February 23, 2009
Way to go, Anna. Your art always makes me smile. Love you, Mommy
- on February 3, 2009
I love the cardinals, Anna! You are really becoming a talented artist. Love, Mommy
- on November 22, 2008
Anna, I am SO proud of you. I love how you used 5 different colors on one leaf. That is one amazing rainbow effect. Love, Mom
- on September 22, 2008