Wow Ashlyn!!! This is a cool castle. Looks like a super special place to spend a night. All the different rooms and all the windows. Your colors are happy and sweet. Papaw and I could pretend to be King and Queen for the day!!! Wouldn't that be funny. We love you sweetheart and are so proud of your art work. Have FUN!!!
- Love, Papaw and Grandma on February 19, 2025
Wow!!! Ashlyn, Papaw and I were so excited to see your new art work. We loved how well you stayed in the lines and all the different colors you used. You did a good job in drawing different shapes. We love that you get excited about art. Remember to have FUN!!!
- Love, Papaw and Grandma on February 19, 2025
Hey Ashlyn, your spring picture is beautiful. You know grandma loves flowers and you put so many in your picture. The sun is shining brightly. Looks like there is a rain cloud too. The flowers need rain to grow. We love how many colors you put in your picture. It's a very happy picture!!! I know it is summer now, but keep on drawing and creating beautiful works of art. Papaw and Grandma are so excited you love art. Keep up the good work!!! Have FUN!!!
- Love, Papaw and Grandma on June 12, 2024
Ashlyn, Papaw and Grandma love how you drew yourself. You made legs, feet, arms, fingers, eyes, nose, mouth, ears and a body. Wonderful drawing!!! You even drew hair!!! How COOL!!! You even added hearts to your dress or shirt.The colorful pieces of tissue paper just gives the picture a touch of color and makes you stand out. You have come so far on your drawing. We are so very proud of you. Have FUN!!!
- Love, Papaw and Grandma on April 24, 2024
This is amazing!!! You are an artist with so much talent. This picture is magical. The colors and the wording is perfect. You look beautiful in your picture!!! Have FUN in art class!!! Keep up the wonderful work.
- Love, Papaw and Grandma on March 6, 2024
Oh Ashlyn!!! It's so beautiful, the little lines you put on it and the beads. You did an amazing job. You can wear that proudly, because you thought it up and created something wonderful by Ashlyn. Keep up the good work!!! Have FUN!!!
- Love, Papaw and Grandma on February 14, 2024
Wow those little mice are going to eat all of their cheese. They must be hungry!!! You did a wonderful job on this drawing. You painted or colored in your lines. Keep up the good work!!! We love you sweetheart!!!
- Love, Papaw and Grandma on December 6, 2023
Ashlyn Papaw and Grandma love this robot shaped paper art. We are so proud of you !!! Keep up the good work!!! We can hardly wait for your next picture you make.
- Love, Papaw and Grandma on December 6, 2023
You did a wonderful job on your line drawing. The colors of the rainbow are beautiful. Reminds me of the rainbow we saw in the sky this summer. You enjoy your art class. We love seeing your drawings. Have Fun!!!