Theodore4791's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Theodore4791's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is one of my favorites! Great Job!! Love You!
- Grandma on May 8, 2024
You are such a good artist Teddy! I love the colors. Keep doing great work! Love You!
- Grandma on May 8, 2024
WOW Teddy! This is a great picture! I love it so much - reminds me of snow fall at my house. It's perfect!! Love you!
- Grandma on December 13, 2023
What a beautiful picture Teddy! Love all the colors you used. Your picture makes me happy!! Love You!
- Grandma on November 9, 2023
I love your pumpkin Teddy Boy! So cool looking! What a great job you did! Can't wait to see more of your projects. Love You!
- Grandma on November 8, 2023
So beautiful! I love the colors. Nice job Teddy! Love you so much!
- Grandma on November 1, 2023