Matthew57569's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Matthew57569's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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So cute! Great job!
- Mom on May 29, 2024
This is very cool, Matthew!
- Kim (Mother) on April 14, 2024
Very nice work, Matt!
- Kim (Mother) on April 10, 2024
Matthew, I loved your chalk drawing of Northern Lights! It was just like I was standing there on that starry night seeing a spectacular natural light show.
- Grammy on January 30, 2024
Matthew, I loved your chalk artwork, Northern Lights. It made me feel like I was standing there on that starry night looking up to the sky.
- Grammy on January 30, 2024
This is beautiful!
- Kim (Mother) on January 29, 2024
Nice work, Matt! I love the fireworks! Happy New Year!??
- Kim (Mother) on January 23, 2024