Ari2412's Comments (19)

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Below are comments about Ari2412's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Ari, I am really enjoying how there are parts of this picture that are coming right off the page, almost like a loop to loop. You will have to tell me more about your artwork when we see each other again. Love, Bubbe
- Bubbe(fan) on December 18, 2023
when i look at this picture, i see a group of planets orbiting a black sun. maybe there is even a rocket or two.
- auntie erin on December 18, 2023
Ari-I love all the different lines, colors, and shapes in this piece of your art. When I look at it, it reminds me of some kind of map-maybe even a treasure map. You will have to tell me more about it when I see you.
- Bubbe on December 18, 2023
The "black hole" in this work is so perfectly round that I had to look at it closer. Is that a bunny hidden behind the black? How did you get it so round?
- Papa on December 18, 2023
Ari, this reminds me of Gramma D and I carrying boxes for our move to our new house.
- Papa on November 22, 2023
Hi Ari! This picture is so funny to me and it makes me giggle! I can see a giraffe laying down with its head up saying “what’s going on”!
- Chris on November 13, 2023
I enjoyed see your "Rainbow Dragon Egg". I'm not sure how long it takes for a dragon egg to hatch, but, once it does, I'd like to see a baby dragon!
- Anthony on November 13, 2023
How interesting! Do you ever start drawing something but when done it looks like something else?
- Mark on November 13, 2023
This looks like a cocoon. I wonder what will hatch?
- Gramma D on November 13, 2023
I'll bet the dragon that hatches from this egg will be handsome!
- Gramma D on November 13, 2023
Beautiful colors and shapes, Ari. It’s so much fun to see your art work??
- Bubbe on November 13, 2023
This looks like it could be a picture of a Pikachu that you have captured. Is that true?
- Tony on November 12, 2023
Very dramatic!
- Tony on November 12, 2023
Please tell about your monster. What inspired you? -Papa
- Tony on November 12, 2023
Wow! Is this a picture of a rhyming dust bunny? Your dust bunny looks like it has a lot of things to say! I wonder what words it wants to rhyme first? Bunny, honey, money, funny? Thanks for sharing your artwork Ari!
- Joanna (Mother) on November 11, 2023
Looks like you got to tear paper and glue it just so to create this amazing monster. It has an enormous mouth! Hope he's not hungry for me!! ??
- Gramma D on November 10, 2023
You had to follow many steps in this project, lines, pastels, paint. It's so much fun to read a book and express yourself through art. ??
- Gramma D on November 10, 2023
Woahhh! This reminds me of a hungry sunshine monster… or maybe a dragon named Worm?? I can see you put a lot of effort into connecting the yellow sections of the body. It looks like that monster is about to eat something. What is your monster eating?
- Joanna (Mother) on November 9, 2023
Wow!! I see so many vibrant colors and shapes! It looks like you put a lot of effort into your Line Soup Project. I love how the blue and green lines seem to come out of the dark blob in the center. Reminds me of the picture we saw of the false colors on Mercury : ) Thanks for sharing your work Ari!
- Joanna (Mother) on November 9, 2023