Blake21392's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Blake21392's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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We love you Blake & are so proud of u!!
- Christina on October 9, 2024 NEW
Looks like up at the cabin. Mountains and trees and the night sky!
- Ginnie on October 9, 2024 NEW
Love this one because it looks like a castle at night with secret doors
- Ginnie on October 9, 2024 NEW
Love all your artwork Blake, but this one is my favorite. Sometimes we are happy and Sometimes we are sad.this piece shows both!
- Ginnie on October 9, 2024 NEW
Love the night flower and the moon Blake
- John sr on October 9, 2024 NEW
Love this art work!!! Good job Blake!
- James (Father) on October 5, 2024