Georgia4035's Comments (16)

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Below are comments about Georgia4035's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I am impressed! I hope my garden flowers are as pretty as yours. I would frame this picture and keep looking at it ! Gorgeous!
- Penny on June 19, 2024
This is beautiful! Happy snail with an even happier sun, what more could you want?! Your artistry has been delightful I am so proud of you! This illustration is pure joy!
- Penny on June 19, 2024
The talent shown in this self portrait is wonderful! I am so proud of the artist you have become! Never stop creating your art!
- Penny on June 19, 2024
Somewhere over the rainbow no matter which way you go is a beautiful smile! I look forward to your artwork it brings me joy!
- Penny on June 19, 2024
Beautiful pigeon! Glorious use of color and space! I love it!
- Penny on April 17, 2024
Hey! I know exactly where that is!!! Nice balance using the entire page for your landscape! I love that you have all the lights on to match your night sky! Great job!
- Penny on March 6, 2024
Nice job! I love your heart it is so full of wonderful color you are becoming a terrific artist! Can't wait to see your next creation.
- Penny on March 6, 2024
A cozy home on a snowy day! In my favorite color!! You are a great artist. This picture feels like home. Nice job keep up the creativity.
- Penny on March 6, 2024
How wonderful!!! This snowman warms my heart and makes me smile! Great job !!!!
- Penny on March 6, 2024
Beautiful train!!! I would like a ride. Makes me wonder where its headed. Nice!!!
- Penny on March 6, 2024
I love this dinosaur! I wouldn't mind to have dinosaurs come back if they all looked as friendly as yours!! Great job!
- Penny on March 6, 2024
Love your picture! Its a definite high five!!!!!
- Penny on December 6, 2023
Spooky ! Great pumpkin ! Keep up the terrific art. I can't wait to see what comes next!
- Penny on December 6, 2023
Perfect,pretty,positively, pink pig. Love those circles! Nice work
- Penny on November 1, 2023
Awww! What a sweetie! I love this girl and her wonderful smile !! Your picture makes me feel so happy. You are becoming a terrific artist.
- Penny on October 4, 2023
I love your unicorn!!!! What a terrific picture! Keep up the great work!
- Penny on September 27, 2023