Sydney1921's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Sydney1921's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Angel Sydney, Your furry weatherman is just so cute! The sun is shining on this winter day picture and he sees his shadow! You are such a great artist, sweetheart. Love you oodles, Your Aunt Joyce
- on February 5, 2010
Hi Precious Sydney, How very cute! Your Penguin is adorable! I can tell you worked hard on it. I love you, Your Aunt Joyce xoxo
- on February 5, 2010
Hi darling Sydney! Ommie and PaPa LOVE your Rollie Pollie Penguin! It is SO cute! I think that we will probably order a sweatshirt with that artwork on it! It is absolutely adorable! We just love seeing your artwork. I am so thankful to Artsonia for allowing this to be shown on the internet so that we can see the work you do... especially when we're so far away from you. We love you so much, sweet girl. Ommie and PaPa are so proud of you and miss you terribly! Love, Ommie and PaPa. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
- on January 15, 2010
Precious Sydney, I get excited when I get an email about your new artwork. The little baby in her papoose is sooooo cute! Your Aunt Joyce loves you to the moon and back and more! xoxoxoxo
- on October 31, 2009
Hi Sydney: Ommie and PaPa love your new "lima bean ghost" picture! It is SO cute! You're a great artist and we've got ALL OF YOUR PICTURES! We love and miss you so much. We're very proud of you, sweet girl. All our love, Ommie and PaPa
- on October 22, 2009
Sydney, You are sooooo precious! Your Halloween "bean" ghosts are awesome! I love you, Your Aunt Joyce xo
- on October 22, 2009
Hey Little Angel Sydney, I LOVE your Mr. Bumble picture and I LOVE YOU! Your Aunt Joyce xoxoxoxoxoxo
- on May 20, 2009
Sydney, dear: Ommie had trouble finding the correct place to leave a comment about your Lydia Ladybug. I'm sorry. I've finally figured it out. This, too, is a darling picture/artwork! It looks like you really enjoy your art class. I loved art, too, when I was a little girl. But, unfortunately, I just didn't have the talent to proceed with a career in art. But, that's okay! We have YOU as our artist! And, we love you with all our hearts... we love you "the whole wide world"! Love, Ommie and Papa xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
- on May 20, 2009
Dear, Sweet Sydney: Ommie and Papa absolutely LOVE Mr. Bumbles! That is the cutest picture! We love all of your pictures and we are SO proud of you! We miss you so, sweet child. We'll see you soon. Love, Ommie and PaPa
- on May 20, 2009
Hey Sweet Niece Sydney, I just love it when I get an email telling me you have a new piece of artwork on this site. You do such a terrific job and it is so much fun to look at all of the things you have made. You are precious to me! I love you oodles and bunches, Your Aunt Joyce xoxoxoxo
- on May 20, 2009
Hi Sydney! What a great tree you've made! A puzzle tree... wow. That's really interesting. You've done SUCH a GREAT job on all of your artwork! PaPa and I love you so much and are SO proud of you! You make our day! Can't wait to see you, precious granddaughter. We love you more and more and more! Love, Ommie and PaPa xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
- on May 20, 2009
Good morning, sweet Sydney. Ommie and Papa were able to print a copy of your frog. Also, we were able to view your other artwork. We didn't realize that you had 5 of them! WOW! We re so proud of you and miss you so much, precious one. We love you so much and can't wait to see you! Love, Ommie and PaPa
- on April 2, 2009
Hey There Baby Doll, Your artwork is so beautiful! I can tell you worked very hard on each one. Bless your heart! I love you to the moon and back...and then some, Your Aunt Joyce :)
- on April 2, 2009
Dear, sweet Sydney Lynn: Ommie and PaPa are SO proud of your! Your frog is adorable! What is his name? We can't wait to see you in May! We will sure have fun. We love you so much. Love, Your Ommie and PaPa xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo (hugs and kisses)
- on April 2, 2009