Carlee1371's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Carlee1371's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great job my girl!
- James (Father) on April 20, 2024
Great job my girl!
- James (Father) on April 20, 2024
This is beautiful work Carlee !
- James (Father) on April 20, 2024
This is fantastic Car!!!! AWESOME job honey
- Kylie (Mother) on January 30, 2024
I love it honey you did GREAT!
- Kylie (Mother) on January 30, 2024
You are a very good artist my sweet girl! Love Mommy
- Kylie (Mother) on January 30, 2024
Beautiful work my girl !
- Daddy on December 8, 2023