Emma67126's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Emma67126's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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How cute!!
- Grandmama on June 20, 2024
Beautiful sunflower Emma!!
- Deb on June 20, 2024
Beautiful picture of a beautiful girl.
- Grandmama on February 29, 2024
What an amazing artist Emma is becoming. She always does her best and it certainly shows. Thank you for supporting her creativity :)
- Lynn (teacher at Lynch Bustin Elementary School) on February 29, 2024
Beautiful picture Emma!! Love you Grandmama
- Grandmama on February 29, 2024
Beautiful Christmas tree Emma!!
- Grandmama on December 14, 2023
So cute!
- Grandmama on December 6, 2023
Great turkey, Emma!!
- Grandmama on December 6, 2023
Great job Emma. Love you Grandmama
- Grandmama on December 6, 2023
Great job baby girl!!
- Tessa (Mother) on October 31, 2023