Asher7777's Comments (3)

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Below are comments about Asher7777's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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The subject is rendered intentionally with emphasis on bold sections of his armor-plated exoskeleton. The powerful hind leg femur appropriately signals strength and luster by its red color, with a hint of orange-red highlighting. A large, helmeted head with a distinctively bright eye illustrates the alertness of the grasshopper and his quick capacity for flight. The milk-colored background is no less significant: It suggests many layers of grasses or wild undergrowth that might conceal the specimen from predators or provide his dinner. The scratchy texture here is exceptionally pleasing, and is a fitting complement to this majestic grasshopper. Excellent.
- Mimi on October 31, 2024
Iconic, explicit, bold use of color upon the outline of Washington state and seamless attribution of the mountain range and timber that divides the territory. The state department should be interested in this well choreographed design. Well done!
- Mimi on October 31, 2024
Asher! This combination of black & white geometrics and the wonderful variations in orange shading (nice use of light source!) on this impressive gourd is quite a sophisticated design. How did you think of it? Did you have something you were looking at for inspiration? (Nothing wrong with that! I do that, too!) Or, was this design plan in your head? I admire the careful cutting out skills, too! Well done! <3 Mimi
- Mimi on November 8, 2023