Dane148's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Dane148's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Dane that is just way to Cool...just like you! Very proud of the artist skills you got from me and PopPop! keep up with the hard work and great creations. Love you very much. Dad
-- Rob
- on October 17, 2013
Dane! great job & love the colors! can't wait til you bring it home so we can hang it up. xo Mom
-- Suzanne
- on March 27, 2013
Nice Northlandz picture...brings back fond memories of family time together along with seeing the sparkle in my boyz eyes enjoying all the wonderful trains. We love you DANE. Mom & Dad
-- Robert
- on April 16, 2012
Dane, I love how detailed the owl's body is. The feathers look to be all the same size, which means you really took your time to make it look perfect. You are really talented!!! I love getting your pics. They are all so different. Stay inspired.
-- Deana
- on April 16, 2012
Dane, I love the painting! Reminds me of the Birch trees at Grandma and Grandpa's house in VT! ;) I love you. -Dad
-- Rob
- on February 22, 2012
Love the way you blended the colors for the sky.
-- Deana
- on December 7, 2011
Excellent work Dane! I had no idea about you and this. Keep up the good work.
-- Drew
- on December 5, 2011
LOVE the colors in this one....great job!
-- Judi
- on December 4, 2011
Dane You are Absolutely the next Picasso
-- Patti
- on November 15, 2011
Wow Dane, that lemon really looks sour! Great job Kiddo. POP POP and I are proud of you. Looking forward to seeing you this summer. Take care,
-- Christina
- on November 15, 2011
Dane - this is awesome! Love the monsters! Let's see what Google thinks ;-)
-- Suzanne (Mommy)
- on March 2, 2011
I love your art, DAne! keep up the good work! Kelly, Nate, Liz and Michael.
-- Kelly
- on June 16, 2010
Dane! Your mosaic is excellent. Dad & I are SOOO proud of you. Love Mommy
-- Suzanne
- on June 3, 2010
Hey hi Poppop here...cool stuff if it only spent so easyly...print me out some XO poppop
- on March 25, 2010