Allison1751's Comments (55)

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Below are comments about Allison1751's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Ally, I can't believe all the work you do at school, I really like this piece but what does the J stand for? I know I've fallen behind in keeping up with all you do but you keep putting new pieces out there and Sarah does too. I love them all ;=) Love, hugs and kisses, Grandma
-- Grandma
- on February 9, 2014
Hi Ally, Another piece of artwork, how wonderful. Grandma is always looking for work from you and Sarah. I sure wish Ella had some online too. You are really doing a great job. This piece looks like pencil or charcoal and I really like that. Keep up the good work, Grandma loves it and you too! Love, hugs & kisses, Grandma
-- Grandma
- on January 23, 2014
Hi Sweetie, I can't believe that you did this sculpture all by yourself. All your artwork is so pretty and extremely creative. I can't believe how many wonderful pieces you have done. Grandma wishes you and your sisters a Happy Halloween and I will see you soon. Love, hugs and kisses, Grandma
-- grandma
- on January 23, 2014
Hi Ally, Grandma wants you to know she loves your new pictures. I guess I missed a few along the way so I wanted to tell you "GREAT JOB SWEETIE" I love them all. Your ideas and how you present them is wonderful. Keep up the fantastic job I can't wait until the next one. Love, hugs and kisses Grandma
-- Becky
- on October 18, 2012
Hi Ally, Grandma can't keep up with all the beautiful pictures. This one is really special, you have so much going on I really like it alot. I like the "man in the moon" and the little alien. Great imagination and fantatic drawing. Keep up the good work. Love, hugs and kisses, Grandma xoxoxo
-- Grandma
- on October 18, 2012
Allison - I love this picture! You are becoming quite an artist. I love the attention to detail in all of your work. We are so proud of you! Keep up the good work - we cannot wait to see what you post next! Love, Mom, Dad, Ella, and Sarah.
-- Mom
- on March 3, 2011
Dear Alllison, Grandpa never knew there were so many different pretty hearts. Again another pretty picture–keep up the good work! love grandpa and moe
-- john
- on March 2, 2011
Hi Sweetie, Love your new artwork. The hearts are very pretty and in Grandma's favorite colors. You made a very special valentine for all of us to see. I know everyone is extremely proud of your art talent, I certainly know I am. Keep up the good work. Love, hugs and kisses, Grandma xoxoxoxo
-- Grandma
- on March 2, 2011
Hi Ally, I can't keep up with all the pictures you're doing. They are so pretty. I really like this one because I know that's you, Ella and Sarah building a snowman. Is that Mom & Dad in the back? I really like the way you did the sky and the snow falling. It all looks so real. Keep up the good work, I love it. Love, hugs and kisses, Grandma xoxoxoxoxoxo
-- Becky
- on February 7, 2011
Hi Ally, Another year and a lot of beautiful pictures to see. I really enjoy all you do. You pick such wonderful colors and patterns. You are quite the artist and I'm very proud of you. I love all your pictures. Hope you had a great Halloween, I miss you and your sisters a lot. See you soon, Love, hugs and kisses Grandma xoxoxo
-- Becky
- on January 28, 2011
Dear Allison it looks like it is going to be an other fantastic school year for your in art. What a great picture. Grandpa and I can't wait to see more. Hope you and your sisters have fun on Halloween. Love and kisses Moe
- on October 29, 2010
You are going to give mommy and Auntie Karen a run for their money in the arts and craft area. You are doing such wonderful art work. I love the mask! Maybe you should make some more and we can all wear them this summer if Uncle Ken and I come to NY. I hope to see you and your sisters (and your cousins too) this summer. Keep up the good work. Lots of love to all, Auntie Barb and Uncle Ken and all your FL cousins
-- Barbara
- on October 29, 2010
Hi Sweetie, Love the mask. You are so creative. I bet you are the best in your class. I enjoyed seeing you and your sisters last week. Can't wait until you come here. Just a few more days and you are out of school for the summer, bet you can't wait. Keep up the good work and maybe this summer you can make pictures for all of us to enjoy. Love, Hugs and Kisses, Grandma
- on June 22, 2010
Dear Allison, I love the mask, you did a great job. You are so talented, I look forward to more artwork. Can't wait to see you soon, Love ya, Moe
-- Moe
- on June 22, 2010
Hi Sweetie, I love the latest artwork you have done. You always amaze Grandma with your drawing skills. I miss you a lot. Have a Happy Birthday and I'll see you and your sisters real soon. Love, Hugs and Kisses, Grandma xoxoxo
-- Grandma
- on May 25, 2010
Allison what a beautiful drawing. I wish I could draw like you. Wait until your grandpa sees it. I'm so proud of you. I think you'll have to give me lessons. Love, Moe
-- Moe
- on May 20, 2010
Ally that is the most beautiful heart, and my favorite color. Had so much fun seeing all of you and watching you and your sisters ice skate. Love ya, Moe
- on February 4, 2010
Allison what a great picture, your house is so perfect. You do great work. Can't wait to see all of you this weekend, Love Moe
- on February 4, 2010
Hi Sweetie, I love your new artwork. You are such a talented artist I wish I could draw like you. I love the snow falling down and the beautiful colors you used for the sky. I can't wait to see you all for Christmas, I'll be there soon. Love, Hugs and Kisses, Grandma XOXOXO
- on December 18, 2009
Hi Ally, I love your latest artwork called Pattern Landscape, you did a really nice job. You are such an excellent artist and Grandma loves everything you do. Can't wait to see you, Ella and Sarah this weekend, I've missed you all soooo much. Hugs and Kisses, Grandma
- on December 12, 2009
Hi Sweetie, I can't believe you already have another picture out there. I like your ideas and especially the swing from the tree. The picture also reminds me of Dad and the fire pit. You do a really great job. I miss you and your sisters alot. Hope to see you soon. Love and Kisses Grandma XOXOXO
- on October 27, 2009
What a beautiful picture Ally! We love it - I cannot wait to hang it on the wall! We are very proud of the wonderful job you are doing in art class. Keep up the good work! Love, Mom, Dad, Ella and Sarah
- on October 22, 2009
Ally, This is absolutely beautiful. You did a really fantastic job. You are a wonderful artist and I really love everything you do. Keep up the wonderful pictures I look forward to seeing them. Love and Kisses Grandma
- on October 21, 2009
Allison what a beautiful fall picture. It is great how your art work keeps getting better and better each time. Your trees look so real. Love Moe
- on October 21, 2009
Hi Ally, What a pretty picture. You really did a nice job. Grandma's running out of room with all the artwork that you have done. I'm really proud of you and the awesome pictures you draw. Keep up the good work. I love and miss you. Hugs and Kisses, Grandma XOXOXO
- on April 29, 2009
Wow another great picture. Keep up the good work, I had a great time fishing with you and your sisters, can't wait to see you in two weeks. Love ya, Moe
- on April 26, 2009
Hi Sweetie, Another beautiful picture made by you. The shamrock is really pretty. I really like all the colors you used. You are quite the artist and I am so proud of you. See you real soon. Love and Kisses, Grandma
- on March 31, 2009
I love your new picture. That is the best shamrock I have ever seen. I enjoy seeing all the nice work you do. Love Moe
- on March 27, 2009
Allison - great art work. I bet that was all part of Dr Seuss Day. Mommy and Daddy have to be running out of wall space from all your beautiful pictures. What will they do when Ella and Sarah start making pictures also?? Love you bunches and miss you all. Keep up the good work! Auntie Barb, Uncle Ken and all your FL Cousins
- on March 23, 2009
Hi Ally, What a great picture! I love the Cat in the Hat. You have a great collection of beautiful artwork and I love them all. Keep up the good work, you're quite the artist and I'm really proud of you. Love and Kisses Grandma XOXOXO
- on March 23, 2009
What another great picture. Your cat looks something like my momma cat. I wish I could draw like you. Keep it up, I enjoy seeing your pictures they make me smile. Love ya, Moe
- on March 23, 2009
Ally, you did it again. Another beautiful piece of artwork. Grandma loves all the colors and the beautiful hearts. You are so creative - just like Mommy. I love you. Love and Kisses, Grandma
- on February 13, 2009
Allison - you get better and better with every picture you make! I know I could not do this good. I am sure that mom's refrigerator is covered with all your beautiful pictures. Keep up the good work. Love you and miss you bunches. Stay warm!! Auntie Barb and Uncle Ken and your FL cousins
- on February 7, 2009
What a great picture. You are a great artist. Keep up the great work Love ya, Moe
- on February 7, 2009
Hi Allison, I love getting your artwork you really are doing a great job. I look forward to your next masterpiece. Have a great day. DJ, Kris and Evan
- on February 5, 2009
Hi Allie, beautiful fish. You are a great artist, keep up the great work, love moe
- on January 27, 2009
Hi Ally, I love your snowman. I especially like the colors you used. Grandma is sooooo proud of you and your pictures are wonderful. Keep up the good work. See you soon. Love and Kisses, Grandma
- on January 24, 2009
hi Ally , i just simply love your artwork of the mountains and christmas trees it looks like my land in vermont , keep up the good work i want to see more !! love grandpa Mendes
- on January 13, 2009
Allison your picture is beautiful. You are a great artist.
- on January 13, 2009
Allison - that is an absolutely beautiful picture. I bet it was fun to "make it snow" with the toothbrush! Tell mom she has to frame that and hang it up every Christmas. You are the best. Make sure you are really good so Santa will come to visit you on Christmas Eve and bring you toys and fun stuff (for Ella and Sarah too). Love you and Miss you bunches! Auntie Barb and Uncle Ken and your FL cousins
- on January 13, 2009
Hi Sweetie, Another piece of beautiful artwork. I especially love all the snow falling on the trees. You keep on amazing Grandma. I love everything you do you are so creative. Keep up the great work I'm always looking for new pieces. Love and Kisses Grandma
- on January 13, 2009
Hi Ally, I love your latest artwork. The peacock is beautiful. You do such great work I am so proud of you. Have a Happy Thanksgiving. I love you a lot. Kisses and Hugs Love, Grandma
- on November 28, 2008
Hi Sweetie, I love your Crazy Hair Day picture. She has curly hair just like you. Keep up the good work. Waiting to see more just like this one. Love, Grandma XOXOXOXOXO
- on November 6, 2008
Hi Allie, Grandma loves your pictures. What a terrific artist you are. I'll be watching and waiting for more. I love you. Love, Grandma
- on November 6, 2008
Ally this picture is beautiful, you are so talented Grandpa and I can't wait to see more. Love, Moe and Grandpa
- on October 22, 2008
Allie you are a great artist, you'll have to make a picture for me to hang on the wall, Love Moe
- on October 22, 2008
Allison this is a really cool portrait! Can you draw my portrait? What a great artist! Love, mom
- on October 19, 2008
Allie - I love your art work - you are so creative! Just like Mommy and Auntie Karen you will soon be "making" presents for everyone. Keep up the good work! Let me know when your next project is posted. Love you and miss you bunches. Auntie Barb (and Uncle Ken)
- on October 13, 2008
Ally, what a wonderful portrait! I can't wait to see more of your work! xo- Joyeux
- on October 8, 2008
Allison, Evan , Cousin DJ and I love your "Crazy Hair" too. We can't wait to see what you will make next. Looking forward to many of your arts and crafts projects. Have Lots of fun. GO RED SOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
- on October 8, 2008
Allison, This is the coolest project that I have ever seen! Great job! We are very proud of you! Love, Your NY cousins xoxoxoxo
- on October 8, 2008
Allison, you did a great job!! Keep up the good work, and let's see more of you. Love you, Auntie Rett
- on October 8, 2008
Ally, what a great face! Love the eyelashes! Can't wait to see more of your artwork! Love, Aunt Lisa
- on October 8, 2008
Allison, You are such a great artist. You did a wonderful job! Love Aunt Kim, Uncle Chris and Toby
- on October 8, 2008
Allison, I love your crazy hair! What a great job you did. I cannot wait to see what else you publish!
We are very proud of you!
Love, Mom
- on October 7, 2008