Zahara291's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Zahara291's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Zahara I love your new art work You are a genius .Keep giving us those wonderful works of art. Love You, Aunt Cynthia
- Cynthia . on December 6, 2023
Zahara, your art work takes me to a Happy Place. I just Love it. Love you, Granny
- SHIRLEY on November 15, 2023
Zahara I love your art work, You have a gift. Keep up the good work.
- Cynthia on November 14, 2023
GREAT JOB BABY GIRL ????????????
- Curathers on November 14, 2023
Good job baby keep up the good work and let your imagination run free ??????????????????
- Curathers on November 7, 2023