Sam,Love this artwork. What a artistic way to depict your passion of softball. I also like how you personalized your work.Great job. -- Grandma B
- on May 13, 2014
Sam,Awesome picture. Looks like you with some face work. Was this done on a computer? Great job.Very creative -- Barbara
- on February 13, 2013
Love it.What a good job. You did Snoopy justice. Love you. Keep up the good work. Grandma -- Barbara
- on January 10, 2013
Sam,I loved your drawing. You are so talented. I loved all the details in your drawing.Very good job.Love,Grandma -- Barbara
- on January 10, 2013
Hey Sam, Awesome fish. It looks like that pickeral that bit Johnny. Love, Dad! -- Dad
- on October 22, 2010
Sam, I love all the different colors and shapes. keep up the great work! Love, DAD -- DAD
- on October 22, 2010
Hey Sam, The house looks good. The picture looks like it needs Misty to be complete. Love, DAD
- on January 28, 2010
Wow, that's one cool X-Mas tree! Keep up the great work! Love Dad!
- on January 28, 2010
Hey Sam, Cool picutures! Love, Dad
- on January 28, 2010
SAM, Very cool picture. You really know how to choose your colors. Great job. Love Grandma
- on May 18, 2009
Sam, I love your creativity. Your artwork is always fun to see!
- on May 18, 2009
Hey Sam, I really like all the different colors! Keep up the great work! Love, DAD!
- on May 18, 2009
Sam, It reminds me of a some kind of BUG-FROG looking at a bug to eat. It also kind of looks like Aunt Vera. HaHaHaHaHa............................... Love, DAD
- on April 23, 2009
Sam, I loved your last artwok. It almost reminds me of a easter basket. Especially wiith easter on its way. Keep up the great artwork. Lv, Grandma
- on March 27, 2009
Hey Sam, Great picture! Love, DAD
- on March 27, 2009
Hey Sam, Your pictures captures a combination of Dr.Seuss's work. Good job with great imagination. Love, Grandma{with the horses}
- on March 27, 2009
Hey Sam, That's pretty cool. It's like a big tree house. Love, DAD
- on February 15, 2009
This looks like something from a Dr. Suess book. Great job!
- on February 7, 2009
Sam I love it! Your artwork is fantastic!
- on February 7, 2009
Hi Sam, I just saw your latest artwork. It is awsome. I love the fall colors you selected. Keep up the great work. It is fun viewing your work on line. Love Grandma
- on October 31, 2008
i really like the colors in this picture. Did you use magic markers? Love, Grandma
- on October 31, 2008
- on October 31, 2008
Wow Sammy - We all love your work. You are very talented. The drawings are amazing!!!!!