Shannon1068's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Shannon1068's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Shannon, just like you, your Heart painting is really warm and cheerful! And I love the colors you chose and especially the way you put them all together to make such a pretty piece of artwork! Looking at it really brightened up my day. Love, Grandpa
-- Joe
- on March 8, 2010
Shannon, I love the colors you chose and the painting looks so real that it looks like the leaves are going to fall off the page and onto the floor! Keep up the good work. Love, Grandpa
- on January 27, 2010
This looks, to me, like a smiling Shannon at play on a cold winters day. And it seems like the snowmen are happy with the weather too, since they won't be melting away! Another very nice painting Shannon, Love, Grandpa
- on December 19, 2009
Mom mom loves your art work!
- on December 19, 2009
Shannon, My favorite, so far, is your gumball machine picture. I think it's really colorful and reminds me of the gumball machines great-grandma would give me a penny to buy a gumball from when I was a little boy. Grandpa
- on December 5, 2009
What a beautiful picture! We Love You! Love, Mommy, Daddy & Ryan
- on December 5, 2009