William48180's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about William48180's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Trained me of mobie "Wish". Dear and bubbles of people wishing!! love it!!
- Poppop and nana on May 1, 2024
I LOVE IT! The star is fantastic and so are the scribbles. Love, mommy
- Nicole (Mother) on April 30, 2024
Looks good enough to EAT!
- Nana on April 30, 2024
I love this! The colors are soo bright! Great job!
- Nicole (Mother) on April 24, 2024
- Nicole (Mother) on March 26, 2024
Great lines and colors!!
- Nicole on February 28, 2024
Love your work William!
- Nicole on February 28, 2024
I love the red train, William!
- Nicole (Mother) on December 26, 2023
Great job William! I love the shark! ??
- Nicole (Mother) on November 18, 2023
Great job, buddy! Color is perfect! Keep up the good coloring .... from Nana & Poppop G!
- Nana on November 14, 2023