Elias6298's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Elias6298's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is great
- melody (Mother) on May 3, 2024
This is so good! So proud of you
- melody (Mother) on May 3, 2024
This is AMAZING! I love it Elias
- melody (Mother) on May 3, 2024
Oh no this makes me dizzy! SO cool :)
- melody (Mother) on December 10, 2023
This is the coolest sculpture EVER you go Mr. Second grade!
- melody (Mother) on December 10, 2023
I love your tree! I love it even more in person. Mommy is so proud of you! :)
- melody (Mother) on December 10, 2023