Georgia3996's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Georgia3996's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hey G. I do really like your latest artwork. I remember studying about the artist this picture is modeled from. He was and is very famous. I think it’s very cool that a 1st grader knows about famous artists. Keep up the great work sweetie
- Grandma Carol on May 22, 2024
Georgia, I really like your “Eclipse”. One of the things I like about is all the shades of blue that you used in the sky. It shows that you have noticed the sky can be many different colors. I also like the yellow rim. We didn’t have a total eclipse like you did but when I looked through the special glasses, what I saw was the yellow outline of the sun behind the moon. Nice job sweetheart!!
- Grandma Carol on May 22, 2024
Hi G, I really like this piece of art. The colors really go well together. I think it’s a Clover in the middle, right? You really tied those colors together to make it stand out with the rest of the picture. I’m a big fan of your work Georgia!!! Grandma Carol
- Carol on April 4, 2024
Hi Georgia, I LOVE butterfly picture! It looks so real!! Using purple at the top of the picture really makes the rest of the butterfly stand out. The butterfly stands for Spring and we definitely want THAT to “stand out”! I love you- Grandma Carol
- Carol on April 4, 2024
Georgia I love your style on this heart! All the colors and different textures really make it special. It shows that you took your time to make this piece unique!!! I love you so
- Grandma Carol on February 21, 2024
This is what Donna said “ She really has expressions in her art work. Wonderful ??”
- Grandma Carol on February 21, 2024
Hi Georgia. I LOVE “Crazy City”. It made me smile and feel very happy. I also sent it to Donna. Donna has the flu but is getting better. I told her I hoped it would make her smile too. Love you G
- Grandma Carol on February 21, 2024
Hi Georgia. I saw this picture and it made me wonder what the assignment was and also what you were thinking at the time.
- Grandma Carol on January 24, 2024
Wow, Georgia!! I loved seeing all of your different pieces. I liked them all but I think I liked the pumpkin one the best. I read the things you learned and then your picture looked like you put in the items from your lesson. So cool G. I love you so, Grandma Carol
- Grandma Carol on January 24, 2024
I think “Buried Bunny” is a perfect title for this piece Georgia. Good work :)
- Mom on January 10, 2024