Murphy565's Comments (13)

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Below are comments about Murphy565's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love the colors you used in this artwork. It's beautiful, just like you!
- Grandma on March 17, 2024
It looks like you are keeping busy and learning so much in art class ... butterflies and symmetry! I bet you will see lots of butterflies this summer!
- Grandma O on March 17, 2024
Murphy that is a perfect butterfly for this year of early spring. Love You
- Oma on March 17, 2024
Wow!!! You are an artist!!!! Love the colors Oma
- Oma on February 3, 2024
Hi Murphy! You made a white bunny from black paper! That's pretty cool! I hope you love your art class as much as I love seeing your art projects!
- Love, Grandma on February 3, 2024
Love the smiling buildings. I think they are happy because people are working in their tummies. Hahahaha Love you Oma
- Oma on December 27, 2023
I love this Murphy!!!! I really like working with clay! Love you Oma
- Oma on December 27, 2023
I love this picture of a unicorn! It reminds me of your book about Uni!
- Grandma on November 1, 2023
Murphy, I love this picture of a unicorn. It reminds me of your book about Uni!
- Grandma on November 1, 2023
I wish Unicorns were real. You could ride the Unicorn to Washington to see me!!! Great work! Love Oma
- Oma on November 1, 2023
Murphy this is Fantastic!!!!! I may need to get this on a coffee mug. Great work! Love Oma
- Oma on November 1, 2023
It looks just like you!!!!
- Oma on October 18, 2023
Murphy Sue, I love looking at your artwork. You are so good at so many things.
- Oma on October 18, 2023