Norah3654's Comments (16)

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Below are comments about Norah3654's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I was so excited to see you had new artwork! Another great drawing. Hard to believe you will soon be finished with 4th grade. Keep up the good work.
- Grandma Pat on May 29, 2024
Yeah, I was so excited to see you had new artwork from school posted today. Papa and I are so proud of you. Hard to believe you are almost finished with 4th grade. Good job.
- Grandma Pat on May 29, 2024
I love your drawing of Taylor!
- Renée (Mother) on May 16, 2024
Your artwork gets better and better with each piece you create. Your colors blend so well together. The birch trees seem standout and took like you can reach in and touch each one. Keep up the good work! I can’t wait to see more.
- Grandma Pat on March 5, 2024
My favorite color combo! I love the blend of green and purple, and having that beautiful blue in there is a bonus! I really like the shading on your birch trees. I feel like I could reach out and grab them!
- Renée (Mother) on February 28, 2024
WOW you didn’t forget any details on the boat! You even captured the waves, tree and sun. One again you did a superb good job?? So glad you shared it!
- Grandma Pat on February 14, 2024
Norah, you are always so creative with your choice of color and design. Your name pops out of the pictures. Great job!
- Grandma Pat on January 3, 2024
I love your use of warm letters on the cool side and cool letters and warm. And I especially like how you made the o a pallet.
- Renée (Mother) on December 25, 2023
I love your choice of colors for this picture. Wish I could draw as good as you??
- Grandma Pat on November 1, 2023
I never was good drawing people. You do a great job??
- Grandma Pat on November 1, 2023
I got “good” vibes when I check out this good piece! Love you??
- Grandma Pat on November 1, 2023
I was excited this morning when I saw your pictures posted on this site! I love see your art work.
- Grandma Pat on November 1, 2023
I really appreciate your creative use of shapes!
- Renée (Mother) on October 30, 2023
Look at all your amazing detail!
- Renée (Mother) on October 30, 2023
Of all the words and phrases you chose, "Good vibes" is my favorite! I appreciate both its originality and positive message.
- Renée (Mother) on October 30, 2023
Norah! I really like your use of color. The cool blues and purples mixed with the warm glow of gold is really beautiful.
- Renée (Mother) on October 30, 2023