heather1399's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about heather1399's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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hey pal:) I love this painting. You really know how to use water paint:):):):)
- on October 28, 2008
You are such a creative individual.
- on October 13, 2008
You did a great job here!!! Keep up the good work and who knows, you may be our next community artist, next to Walter C. your #2 fan
- on October 13, 2008
Your artwork is so awesome! The colors and designs are over the top cool! You are such a great artist!
- on October 13, 2008
This is awesome!!!!!!! I love it. I am a huge fan! I love how all the the colors flow together:D
- on September 16, 2008