Sophia48191's Comments (15)

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Below are comments about Sophia48191's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love your flowers and rainbow! Noah
- Noah on April 10, 2024
Makes me feel very cold ***** Love your snowmen.
- Noah on April 3, 2024
Your art is wonderful *
- Noah on April 3, 2024
Love your robot ! It looks really strong.
- Noah on April 3, 2024
FABULOUS job Sophia! Great musk ox! We love you, Lulu and Noah
- Lulu on February 28, 2024
Love the Northern Lights - you did such a good job with your colors and the movement in the air. Hugs, Noah
- Noah on February 14, 2024
I love the colors in this art. The sun seems to glow in the air. Hugs Noah
- Noah on February 7, 2024
That's my girl. Great art* Noah
- Bicker on January 29, 2024
Love your heart in this art, Noah
- Bicker on January 29, 2024
Love your art !!! Noah
- Bicker on January 29, 2024
What a beautiful piece of art!! I love the colors. You are a beautiful artist! I love you, Lulu
- Lulu on January 29, 2024
Sophia, this is beautiful!! You are quite the artist. We love you and can't wait to see more. Love, Lulu and Noah
- Lulu and Noah on January 25, 2024
Sophia, you are a wonderful artist. We LOVE your self portrait. Love, Lulu and Noah
- Lulu on December 6, 2023
Wonderful colors and design. Make me happy!
- Noah on December 6, 2023
What beautiful art ! Love the colors and subject. Keep up the good work *
- Noah on December 6, 2023