Lily25948's Comments (48)

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Below are comments about Lily25948's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Oooooooh, LILY !! This one is SO interesting & thought-provoking! ???? I like looking at all the circles, and the colors you chose for all the little bars that make up the circles. It kind-of looks like the circles are growing! I can tell that you put alot of thinking as you create your unique and wonderful artwork. And, P.S. I love you, little sugar muffin !! Auntie Kitty ?? xoxo
- Auntie Kitty on March 20, 2024
Lily, This is one of my favorites !! Maybe even my one favorite so far. You have so many nice pieces of artwork! I like the colors you chose and how you arranged them ! Good work sweet girl !!
- Grampa on March 6, 2024
Wow Lily! Another great piece of art. You are talented and have a real eye for making cool and creative pieces! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK....!
- Mike on February 28, 2024
This is so beautiful! Makes me feel happy when I look at it, the way the colors blend and draw you into the center sphere. You are a very talented girl, and I love you so very, very much. ??????
- Nana on February 28, 2024
Great job, Lily! This makes me think of a purple sun, with various colors radiating from it (like rays of the sun). Can't wait to see this one in person! Keep up the great work love.
- Jason (Father) on February 20, 2024
Dear Sweet Lily, I love your choice of colors! They are so bright and beautiful. Is this pottery? I can’t wait to see it in person. I love you so much! Love, Mommy
- Stacy (Mother) on February 20, 2024
Lilly, I absolutely LOVE this heartfelt artwork you have made! It's beautiful and special, just like you! You have a wonderful gift! Can't wait to see more of your work! xoxo
- Aunt Deb on February 20, 2024
Lily, your artwork is such a beautiful representation of your beautiful and joyous heart - this is one that definitely deserves to be in a frame (and brought out every February to help decorate our home for you (and your Mama's) favorite day of the year : ) I love you, Daddy
- Jason (Father) on February 7, 2024
Ohhhhh Lilly !! I LOVE this one !! It would make SUCH a beautiful Valentine's Day card !!! Keep up your wonderful, creative work ! Love & miss you, little sweetie !??????
- Auntie Kitty on February 7, 2024
Hi Lily, You are so talented. I love seeing all of your art work! Good job on this new one! ? Uncle Mike
- Mike on February 7, 2024
Beautiful hearts, just like yours. They are so colorful they just pop off the screen. Love you bug, keep the artwork coming.
- Nana and PopPop on February 7, 2024
Lil!!! This is so beautiful and perfect for upcoming Valentines Day! You are so talented. I’m so lucky to be your cousin! Love, love &love this latest painting. ??? Love you so much!!
- Abby on February 7, 2024
This is beautiful, Lily! The shades of blue and purple create such a relaxing, peaceful scene. I notice something new to love each time I look. Thank you for sharing!
- Aunt Kristen on December 27, 2023
Lily, THIS IS AMAZING!! You are so incredibly talented and I would love this on my wall. Love you, keep it up. And thank you for sharing your talents!
- Abby on December 20, 2023
Lily, I am so impressed with your art work! I love the colors and the sense of motion you have created. I actually love every single picture you've done. Really fantastic creations! Love you so much, Aunt Deb
- Debra on December 14, 2023
Lily, This is one of my favorites ! You are very talented. There are so many colors and they blend so well together!
- Grampa on December 13, 2023
Absolutely beautiful! Love this little girl and her creative mind.
- Miss Rachel on December 6, 2023
Dearest Lily, This painting makes me feel calm, peaceful, and happy! I love your choice of colors and the way that the bird looks like it's moving. Your creativity and artistic talents truly shine through in this piece! Congratulations! I love you infinity to the infinityth power, Mommy
- Stacy (Mother) on December 4, 2023
Nice work!!! Love your use of colors
- Uncle Neal on December 4, 2023
We love your new artwork! Your use of colors is wonderful, love the detail too. You really have made a beautiful sunrise. So proud of you guppy bug. Love you tons Nana and PopPop!!!
- Nana and PopPop on December 4, 2023
Woah!!!! This one is fabulous as well! There's just so much I love about it, the color scheme, the way it all "works" together, just so many little details that make this a beautiful piece of art. Thank you for sharing! I love you, Daddy.
- Jason (Father) on December 2, 2023
Lily- I love the positivity that shines through your artwork. There’s always a reason to be happy :) Hope you are enjoying your new school! We miss you at Edgewood.
- Mrs. C on November 8, 2023
Woozers!!! This is incredible!
- Abby on November 8, 2023
Wow! This is Unbelievable!!
- Abby on November 8, 2023
This is Fantastic!
- Abby on November 8, 2023
This is absolutely gorgeous!
- Abby on November 8, 2023
Expressionism at its best. LOVE these sunflowers! ??????????
- Mimo(fan) on November 1, 2023
Are you kidding me??? Lily! This is just phenomenal. The juxtaposition of the shaded pumpkin with the abstracted circles (stars, clouds?) is just ????
- Mimo on November 1, 2023
Wow!!! Such detail with a Van Gogh feel
- Uncle Neal on November 1, 2023
Beautiful flowers Lily!!! Amazing!
- Uncle Neal on November 1, 2023
Lily! I really LOVE this piece of art. It reminds me of Van Gogh's "Starry Night" in its own special way! You've REALLY been improving your art skills lately and I'm so proud of you! Keep it up!
- Jason (Father) on October 28, 2023
Lily ! This pumpkin is BEAUTIFUL! I WISH I could frame it and hang it on my wall ! Love you sweetie ! ??
- Auntie Kitty on October 28, 2023
Your realistic pumpkin jumps right off the page! I absolutely love your 3D design!!! You are becoming such a versatile artist. I hope that you continue to view and paint the world through that beautiful artistic lens!!! Love always, Mommy
- Mommy on October 28, 2023
Fantastic! You have created a beautiful work of art! Beautiful detail on pumpkin and stars, love the combination of colors. Keep the paintings coming. Love you guppy bug!!!
- Nana on October 27, 2023
Hi Lily, I love this pumpkin and all the colorful background! I love your self portrait too! Excellent! I picture you having a really fun time creating these pictures too. Love you!
- Aunt Deb on October 27, 2023
I love this happy, smiling face with your arms open, pretty necklace, and your nice, kind message to everyone who sees your self- portrait ! Keep up the good work, dear Lily !!
- Auntie Kitty on October 25, 2023
Sweet Little Great Artist Lily , I love this beautiful vase of flowers you created ! Mostly I love the vibrant colors you chose ! And how many different colors you chose! It is a happy picture too and graceful. It sort of looks like an angel, smiling ! Can't wait to see more of your artistic talent ! Love & Miss you.
- Auntie Kitty on October 25, 2023
Hi Lily, I love this picture of you! I especially love your eyelashes, headband and necklace. Thanks for sharing your artwork with us. You are the best! ps: and the heart dotting the "i" in your name is so darn cute. Keep doing that until you are 30.
- Aunt Melissa on October 10, 2023
Lily, These sunflowers are beautiful! They make my heart smile :) I am excited to see what masterpiece you make next.
- Aunt Kristen on October 10, 2023
I love seeing your artwork Lily! The colors you chose for this one are perfect! Quite a unique design too!
- Grandpa on October 10, 2023
This one is shockingly beautiful. Perfect use of color, shape, and space - I love it! You're becoming quite the artist!
- Jason (Father) on October 6, 2023
Lily! I just love the colors you used in this piece of art. Your artwork is powerful in that this particular piece just radiates positivity and happiness. Everything from the way that you wrote your name, to that sweet face, the hair, the eyelashes, the heart on your chest, the words on top, and probably most significantly, the colors you chose, and how you used them. If your art (whether it be a song, a painting, a dance, a drawing) can make somebody FEEL a certain way (happy/sad/curious/funny), then that's a REALLY special ability you have - continue to express yourself!
- Jason (Father) on October 6, 2023
I love your beautiful artwork, but not half as much as I love you. You're so talented my angel. I want to see more of your work as you grow and do more. Thank you for sharing!!!
- Granny on October 6, 2023
Lily! I’m so impressed with your beautiful artwork ! I love your message “ be happy” . I am happy because you’re my grand daughter!!
- Grampa on October 6, 2023
Lily, these are the most beautiful sunflowers that I've ever seen!!! I can't wait to frame it and put it in our house!!! You are a remarkable artist!!! Love, Mommy
- Stacy (Mother) on October 6, 2023
Your color palette for the flower vase is gorgeous. I am very impressed with your creations and am looking forward to seeing more beautiful pieces. Love you Pop Pop
- Pop Pop on October 6, 2023
Wow! Fantastic artwork! Absolutely love it and the artist. So proud of you!!!!
- Nana on October 6, 2023
Lily, your self-portrait is beautiful...just like YOU!
- Stacy (Mother) on September 27, 2023