Rachel20496's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Rachel20496's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Such a beautiful piece! I love the way the colors change from the inside to the outside. Thank you for sharing your wonderful artwork!
- Blythe on April 19, 2024
What a beautiful, colorful eclipse, Rachel! I love it!
- Pamela (Mother) on March 5, 2024
I love that Rachel printed her hearts in her favorite colors. She is a young lady that truly knows what she likes! Happy Valentines Day Rachel!
- Claudia on February 14, 2024
Rachel, these look like delicious candy hearts! I love it!
- Pamela (Mother) on February 13, 2024
This is such a beautiful painting, Rachel! I love the shading and colors you chose. I hope making art makes you happy forever!
- Blythe on December 27, 2023
I love the sunrise over the flowing water.I like how Rachel has a bird to the side of the water allowing the viewer to observe the entire landscape. Great job Rachel!
- Claudia on December 20, 2023
This is truly amazing! I wasn't aware that first graders understood' shading' and differences between light and dark foregrounds and backgrounds . Quite impressive!
- Claudia on November 1, 2023
This is so beautiful, Rachel!!!
- Pamela (Mother) on October 27, 2023
I love this, Rachel! So beautiful, just like you!
- Pamela (Mother) on October 18, 2023
Awesome job Rachel ! A beautiful impressionistic piece of artwork!
- Claudia(fan) on October 14, 2023
I love this!!! Beautiful job, Rachel!!!
- Pamela (Mother) on October 6, 2023