Lucas30430's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Lucas30430's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Good job Lucas! Keep up the great work!
- Rachel on September 11, 2024 NEW
Great work Lucas! Always enjoy seeing your art!
- Rachel on September 11, 2024 NEW
Neat guitar! Great work Lucas!!
- Rachel on May 1, 2024
Great work Lucas!!
- Rachel (Mother) on March 19, 2024
Very colorful!! Nice work Lucas!!
- Rachel (Mother) on February 24, 2024
Looks like waves! Great job!
- Rachel on February 14, 2024
Your favorite treat!! Looks yummy!
- Rachel on February 14, 2024
Great job on your cardinal!!
- Rachel (Mother) on November 29, 2023
Great work Lucas!!! I love this one especially with the snow.
- Dad on November 29, 2023
Very nice Eagle! You always do such great work!
- Rachel (Mother) on November 11, 2023
Great work Lucas!!
- Rachel (Mother) on October 31, 2023
The eyes on your owl are so detailed! Great artwork Lucas!!
- Rachel (Mother) on October 18, 2023
Love the flower artwork that you have created! It brightened up my day when I saw it!
- Rachel (Mother) on September 26, 2023
Great work Lucas!
- Rachel (Mother) on September 18, 2023