McKenzie7786's Comments (23)

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Below are comments about McKenzie7786's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Man honey! This is one of my favorites of yours so far. This is SO good! Your artwork just keeps getting better, girl! Keep at it and keep working hard! I’m proud of you! I love you baby girl! Love, Momma
- Kasey (Mother) on September 9, 2024 NEW
Some of your best work so far this is awesome McKenzie!! So real looking very 3 dimensional with the different colors of shading. Great job!! Daddy loves you!! ????????
- Mike (Father) on September 7, 2024
Cool is that a little food truck!?
- Mike (Father) on May 11, 2024
That’s so cute honey!! That is SO YOU which is why I love it so much! And of course it’s my favorite color :) Great job babe!!
- Kasey (Mother) on May 1, 2024
Cool Kenz nice guitar!! Is it for rock n roll! Or countraaay! ;)
- Mike (Father) on April 30, 2024
Nice job I like the yellow and I know you do too!! :)
- Mike (Father) on March 20, 2024
Whoa! How awesome is that?! Is that the piggy bank you were telling me about? That’s really great girl! I love it! Keep up the great art work! I LOVE it!! Love you! Love, Momma
- Kasey (Mother) on March 20, 2024
Cool!! A disco ball! Makes me think of a wedding reception…so fun! Great job honey!
- Kasey (Mother) on March 20, 2024
Awesome job Kenz! It looks so real and 3 dimensional!!
- Mike (Father) on March 19, 2024
Awesome Kenz very creative and colorful great job!
- Mike (Father) on February 24, 2024
Whoa!! That is SO cool!! Nice job girl!! I love the wavy lines! So creative! Love it! And love YOU! Love, Mommy
- Kasey (Mother) on February 10, 2024
That’s really cool Kenz it messes with my eyes! It almost seems three dimensional like you can touch it. Great job!
- Mike (Father) on February 10, 2024
That looks so real and yummy I just want to grab it out of the screen eat it up!! Great job babe!! ???? I love you keep up the good work! ??
- Daddy on January 31, 2024
Oh yum!! That looks real and delicious enough to eat!! Great job honey!!
- Mommy on January 31, 2024
Love it Kenz great job another masterpiece!! Keep drawing and painting your work is beautiful!????
- Mike (Father) on December 15, 2023
Oh Kenz, this is so beautiful ?? You know what they say about cardinals ?? Reminds me of your sign next to your bed! Great job baby! Love, Momma
- Kasey (Mother) on December 4, 2023
Wow! Great picture McKenzie! I love the Cardinal and the shading of it sitting under the branch ????
- Daddy on November 29, 2023
What an awesome Bald Eagle baby!! Great job! ????
- Kasey (Mother) on November 11, 2023
Kenzie that is awesome great job! AMERICA ?? ????
- Mike (Father) on November 11, 2023
McKenzie this is awesome! You are so talented in everything that you do! But you have an extra special gift in knowing how to draw and create beautiful artwork! I love you Kenzie!????
- Mike (Father) on October 18, 2023
GREAT JOB! Beautiful pictures just like you!! I love all the pretty colors!??
- Mike (Father) on September 26, 2023
Wow Kenz! This is beautiful! I love it!
- Kasey (Mother) on September 26, 2023
Awesome picture!
- Mike (Father) on September 12, 2023