Jackson38434's Comments (20)

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Below are comments about Jackson38434's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great job Jackson! Love your lamb. Looks so soft and fuzzy I just want to pet it! You're getting better and better ?? ??
- Grandma Linda on April 10, 2024
That's awesome Jackson!! Makes me want to pet that fuzzy lamb. Great job!!
- Linda on April 10, 2024
Jacks, this is G-pa Mike. This is an amazing piece of art. Very proud of you son, keep up the great work. Love you
- Mike on April 10, 2024
Nice job Jackson! You are so talented! We are so proud of you.
- Amanda on April 10, 2024
Holy cow, buddy... this is awesome!! Great work! :)
- Kim (Step-Mother) on April 4, 2024
This is great work. I love all the art you have made. Keep up the great work!
- Matt on April 4, 2024
That is a great lamb. Wow your art gets better each time. Keep up the great work.
- Matt on April 4, 2024
Wow this looks amazing. Now I want a piece of red velvet cake with an Oreo on top. It looks so real. Keep up the great work
- Matthew (Father) on February 14, 2024
Jackson- you did such a great job on this piece! Looks like a real dessert. I love it. Keep up the good work buddy! I love you.
- Amanda (Mother) on February 14, 2024
Great job Jackson!! I love your Christmas picture! You're quite the artist.
- Linda on December 13, 2023
That is an awesome Christmas record. Keep up the good work. The lights look great.
- Matthew (Father) on December 10, 2023
Really cool spaceship Jackson! Love your planets also. You're quite the artist and we're so proud of you.
- Grandma Linda on December 6, 2023
Jackson that is some amazing work. I think it’s the coolest space ship I have ever seen. Keep up the good work! I hope to put this in my office. I love this art.
- Matthew (Father) on November 30, 2023
Nice work Jackson! This one turned out great! Keep up the good work!
- Amanda (Mother) on November 30, 2023
This is awesome, buddy!! Great job! :)
- Kim (Step-Mother) on October 30, 2023
This looks just like you Jackson. It's so impressive! All your pictures are amazing. Proud of you
- Linda on October 30, 2023
J, your artwork is amazing!!!! Keep it coming. Love you buddy!!!
- Gpa Mike on October 30, 2023
You’re a great artist
- Matthew (Father) on October 27, 2023
I love the Panda
- Matthew (Father) on October 27, 2023
Nice work
- Matthew (Father) on October 27, 2023