Samuel30033's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Samuel30033's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Sam, the minute I opened the page and saw "Galaxy Leopard" I was impressed. His expression is fierce and I agree with you--I love that the background looks like a galaxy. Great use of color, too. I'd love to hang him at home at the end of the year. Love, Mommy
- Lauren (Mother) on February 15, 2024
Sauce! I would have known him anywhere. Great color, shading, and detail. Loved seeing this.
- Lauren (Mother) on November 30, 2023
This has great detail, right down to his headband. I like how you took realistic details and made them cartoonified.
- Lauren (Mother) on November 30, 2023
Really well done Sam. I love how the X lines in the back go behind the star in the cross goes in front. It gives a great sense of depth.
- Michael (Father) on October 31, 2023
Love this, Sam! Does this mean you know how to sew now???
- Lauren (Mother) on October 31, 2023
Sam! I love the cover of your notebook. Drippy Gumball has a lot of great detail—I feel like I can tell his attitude through your drawing. Thanks for sharing him with me. Xoxoxo
- Lauren (Mom) on October 21, 2023