Brenna2933's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Brenna2933's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love this! It shows exactly who you are!!
- Grandma Nell & Grandpa Galen on May 9, 2024
So cool, Brenna!!
- Grandma Nell & Grandpa Galen on April 10, 2024
So cool! It is peaceful! A place I'd like to visit!!
- Grandma Nell on March 12, 2024
Love this one!
- Grandma Nell & Grandpa Galen on February 12, 2024
This gives me an MC Etcher vibe wonderful work here.
- Pete Rubke Career Advisor on February 6, 2024
So cool! Luv the colors!!
- Grandma Nell & Grandpa Galen on January 15, 2024
Nice job, Brenna!! You amaze me! I could never do that!!
- Grandma Nell & Grandpa Galen on January 10, 2024
This line design is so cool! I love all the patterns and how it looks almost like a tunnel. You did really well on the stippling and hatching.
- Kaylee on December 31, 2023
This line design is really good, I like all the different patterns and shapes!
- Jalyn on December 31, 2023
That is so cool, Brenna!!
- Grandma Nell & Grandpa Galen on November 1, 2023