Aiden35363's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Aiden35363's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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this is such a cool project!!! I love how all 6 aspects blend so well together plus the picture informs your audience of the things most meaningful to you as the artist. Well done Aiden!!!!
- Michele on May 1, 2024
Aiden, I love how this shows your love for hunting, music, family and faith. Amazing job! Love you! Mom
- Chantel (Parent) on April 25, 2024
this piano is so cool!!!! I LOVE it!
- Michele on April 10, 2024
Love this picture. Makes me think about a vacation ?? Love you! Mom
- Chantel (Parent) on April 1, 2024
Wow Aiden! This is great! I love the detail on the palm trees!
- Cassie on March 27, 2024
I remember when you were working on this piece. How long did it take you to create this? It looks great!
- Mrs. Littlefield on February 7, 2024
Love the perspective of the background, the depth of it is captured well. Good job!
- Benjamin on February 7, 2024
Great work Aiden! Nice sense of balance and symmetry.
- Mr. Herold on February 7, 2024
I love how all the shapes work together.
- Maggie(fan) on February 7, 2024
Kramlich, this would be a cool tattoo! Good job!
- Krause on February 7, 2024
this looks like a Kaleidescape. How do you do this? Impressive!
- Michele on October 25, 2023
these look so real. Great job Aiden!
- Michele on October 25, 2023
Your picture looks like it is surrounded by clouds or fog. It appears that each shape is sitting on a ledge. It looks really great! Love you! Mom??
- Chantel (Parent) on October 10, 2023
This looks great Aiden! I replied how you were able to layer this. It stands out and looks like it is spinning. Love you! Mom??
- Chantel (Parent) on October 10, 2023